- 2
[FEATURE] quality grading of final result
#92 opened by rejuce - 3
[FEATURE] lock degrees of freedom
#91 opened by rejuce - 4
[BUG] scale always acive
#90 opened by rejuce - 2
- 4
[BUG] Missing transpose in AffineRegistration
#75 opened by necoxt - 1
How do I calculate its registration accuracy?
#88 opened by bhjbvs - 3
- 3
- 2
Deformable Registration on downsampled point cloud cannot be applied on original point cloud with different size
#86 opened by AkeelMedina22 - 6
Some questions.
#83 opened by Harry710887048 - 4
- 0
[BUG] Pypi versions are out of date
#82 opened by gattia - 3
#81 opened by a2mattreed - 10
pycpd package citation
#55 opened by BramshQamar - 2
Division by zero
#66 opened by mxf8bv - 2
[JOSS Review] Minor issues
#72 opened by zexinyang - 1
- 6
Registration of overlapping point clouds
#53 opened by Reno989 - 10
rigid transformation
#34 opened by mingweiY - 2
- 2
Invert transforms
#54 opened by schlegelp - 2
Incorrect Integer Division (?)
#47 opened by evolvedmicrobe - 5
Numba decorators
#49 opened by agporto - 4
Deformable registration - alpha and beta
#46 opened by agporto - 2
Number of Iterations
#45 opened by sandwich25 - 7
MemoryError for relatively big point clouds
#14 opened by ka-petrov - 5
Running Examples - Plot not showing
#42 opened by sheridan-fong - 14
3D Deformation Registration: large poinclouds
#43 opened by Ritchizh - 6
- 2
UserWarning: This figure includes Axes that are not compatible with tight_layout
#30 opened by aaman-ee - 6
convert 2D image into the point set representation
#39 opened by cheng043 - 3
3D Deformation Registration not working
#41 opened by BramshQamar - 4
Question about tolerance
#36 opened by gattia - 3
Merge Development
#35 opened by gattia - 4
- 8
Transposed rotation matrix
#25 opened - 1
- 1
- 3
- 1
Coherent Point Drift with STL files
#28 opened by stevenagl12 - 2
- 3
- 3
bug in pycpd/
#21 opened by Kai-46 - 1
"Error" sounds misleading...
#17 opened by sandyhsia - 1
build from source and can't find "expectation_maximization_registration" module
#16 opened by sandyhsia - 1
- 4
Documentation + self.w unused
#12 opened by normanius - 16
how this package could be used for aligning two 2D data (or two 2d cloud points )
#11 opened by rebeen - 3
- 3