This repository holds the source code for an implementation of the SIC/XE architecture on the RealDigital Blackboard FPGA development board.
The aim of the project is to implement a SIC/XE machine, which can do any operation in the SIC/XE specification, but also has a few additional features (currently this is a wishlist):
- Read an object file from an SD Card and use that to execute a program
- Have predefined Device IDs and formats for all available Blackboard peripherals, such as LEDs (e.g. D128 is LED0, writing 1 to the device turns the LED on)
- Allow running the program step by step (i.e. a debugger)
- Using advanced peripherals such as the accelerometer or temperature sensor as normal devices
- Using the HDMI output to be able to display graphics on an external monitor (equivalent to the virtual monitor in the simulator)
- Playing MIDI files through the audio output (potentiometer as a volume button)
The Blackboard has two revisions, Rev. B and Rev. D., which require different XDC files. This repository uses Rev. D's XDC file, so if you have a Rev B., use that file as a base and configure it in the same way as the XDC file in this project.
The project is licensed under the CERN-OHL-S-2.0 license.