
Real-Time Object Tracking for Cones

Primary LanguagePython


Authors: Nico Messikommer, Simon Schaefer

Current version: 1.0.0

Cone detection algorithm for an autonomous car using a LiDAR sensor and a colour camera. By evaluating simple constraints, the LiDAR detection algorithm preselects cone candidates in the 3 dimensional space. The candidates are projected into the image plane of the colour camera and an image candidate is cropped out. A convolutional neural networks classifies the image candidates as cone or not a cone. With the fusion of the precise position estimation of the LiDAR sensor and the high classification accuracy of a neural network, a reliable cone detection algorithm was implemented. Furthermore, a path planning algorithm generates a path around the detected cones. The final system detects cones even at higher velocity and has the potential to drive fully autonomous around the cones.

Required Sotfware


  1. Adapt parameter in cfg/parameter.yaml
  2. roslaunch cone_detection cone_detection.launch