- 3
Replace mockFs load method
#47 opened by dicolasi - 1
Missing Dir.mktmpdir
#36 opened by djberg96 - 2
- 3
Missing File::Stat#nlink method
#35 opened by djberg96 - 1
Current spec failures
#38 opened by djberg96 - 1
Windows spec failures
#37 opened by djberg96 - 5
Missing File.write
#29 opened by tonobo - 0
`File::PATH_SEPARATOR` constant missing
#33 opened by G-Rath - 0
invalid access mode `r:UTF-8`
#31 opened by G-Rath - 2
uninitialized constant MemFs::Dir::Tmpname
#28 opened by kyle-c9000 - 2
Errno::ENOTEMPTY with ruby 2.5.0
#27 opened by sbadia - 3
Pry does not work
#25 opened by fpellanda - 2
Directories with trailing slash do not work
#26 opened by rfdonnelly - 0
File.each does not handle limit
#10 opened by simonc - 6
Pathname#write does not work
#13 opened by mikz - 3
Map existing files for reading to MemFs
#9 opened by theldoria - 1
Reopening file does not reset position in file
#22 opened by jimpo - 6
Describe benefits over FakeFS
#11 opened by mikz - 1
invalid access mode r:bom|utf-8
#16 opened by mikz - 4
NameError: undefined local variable or method `fs' for #<MemFs::File:0x007f8feccb9a20>
#15 opened by mikz - 4
MemFs::File undefined method `external_encoding'
#12 opened by NotGrm - 5
Ruby 1.9.3 - Error File::FNM_EXTGLOB
#8 opened by Danielpk - 1
#7 opened - 12
No support for Dir[] or Dir.glob
#5 opened by sgerrand - 1
Adding missing Dir methods
#4 opened by simonc - 1
File missing methods
#3 opened by simonc - 2
License missing from gemspec
#2 opened by bf4 - 0
Add a feature allowing base files creation
#1 opened by simonc