- 1
The item “Seamark” doesn't match in JOSM
#478 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 2
The 2 variants of the traffic_sign items do not seem to work properly in JOSM
#477 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
Wiki link of item “Water sports” (shop=water_sports) could be more specific
#475 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
Add direction to traffic_mirror
#474 opened by simonpoole - 0
- 3
The text “For traffic direction“ in chunk “traffic_signals_direction“ should be changed
#467 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
Issue #470 wasn't fixed correctly
#471 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
- 0
- 1
Issues with lifecycle presets – item “Abandoned amenity” has a wrong text key and some object keys for Vespucci are missing
#469 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
- 0
Ticket validation barrier tag no text value
#466 opened by simonpoole - 0
office=financial is now double (2 items)
#465 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 1
Issues with the new item “Pump track”
#464 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
coastline and tree: row should allow closed ways
#463 opened by simonpoole - 2
- 0
Wrong wiki link in item "Electronics repair"
#462 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 4
- 1
Typo in street lights
#459 opened by davidpnewton - 1
Wrong name of new group “Climbing“
#454 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
Climbing routes might be top level objects
#453 opened by simonpoole - 2
- 0
tower:construction values for man_made=mast and man_made=tower incorrectly assigned (swapped)?
#452 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
- 1
Incorrect change at item "Set to disused"?
#450 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
Wrong key in item "Departures board"
#448 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
The new item “Disaster response” (emergency=disaster_response) is missing a wiki link
#445 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
Small typo at the key “toilets:menstrual_products” (item “Toilets/Restrooms”)
#446 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
Small typo in chunk id="speech_output_values"
#447 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
Small typo in item “Taxi” (amenity=taxi)
#444 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 1
Needs a bicycle parking present
#443 opened by vespucci-reporter - 0
Add architect key(s)
#441 opened by simonpoole - 1
#442 opened by SomeoneElseOSM - 0
Consider adding cyclestreet tag
#431 opened by simonpoole - 0
- 2
- 0
#438 opened by matkoniecz - 0
- 1
Some highway types are missing in chunk "highway_types" and in the item for highway=construction
#435 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
Item "Attraction" (tourism=attraction) should also have type "way" (for openways)
#432 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
man_made=gantry should require layer
#433 opened by goldfndr - 1
en-au translations
#430 opened by andrewharvey - 0
- 0
- 2
- 0
New post_office chunks should be improved
#416 opened by jajajaneeneenee - 0
- 1
post_office tag
#409 opened by octavo - 0
gihub actions issue
#405 opened by simonpoole - 1
Various augmentation requests.
#404 opened by sekerob