Generalized linear models for neural spike train modeling, in Python! With GPU-accelerated fully-Bayesian inference, MAP inference, and network priors.
- alshedivatNew York, NY
- bcajes
- belevtsoff
- btelfreelancer
- casibus
- chrinide
- chris-stock@Data-CRT
- datnamer
- drallensmithUnited States (of America); moving from Iowa to NH
- edenoUCSF, @LorenFrankLab, HHMI
- farizikhwantriTokyo Institute of Technology
- GuangQin1995Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province
- JaeyeongYang@cenaclesoft
- jan-matthisGoogle Research
- josecohenca
- livicleeTechnology Expert, HUAWEI
- mattjjGoogle
- memmingChampalimaud Centre for the Unknown
- mnarayanPasteur's Quadrant
- nd1511European Space Agency (ESA)
- pavanramkumar@KordingLab
- planetceresSan Francisco Bay Area
- ravigarg27Chicago, IL
- RonnieBickleman
- rpadamsPrinceton University
- snake3342
- stella-gaoAmazon
- StuartFarmerLamden
- themadarchitectDefault Software LLC
- tommy-qichangNJ,NY
- tommytracxRed Bank, NJ
- tscholak@ServiceNow
- vickyliauplano, Texas
- VinGorilla
- youngahnSeoul National University
- zhangyuting