
Incompatibility of plots, probably with dplyr

SamueleSoraggi opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

When using the plot for KMEs and the lolliplot plot for differential module expression, I get an incompatibility error. This happen in general with any data, and with the latest dev version (the commit 6bb2fc9, called bugfix SetModules).

Steps to reproduce

Commands of the type

  pvalue = "p_val_adj",

or a standard KME plot

p <- capture.output({PlotKMEs(seurat.clustered, ncol=3, text_size = 4);})

all result in this error:

Error in `::`(., dplyr, distinct): 3 arguments passed to '::' which requires 2

1. PlotDMEsLollipop(, DMEs, wgcna_name = "tutorial", 
 .     pvalue = "p_val_adj", )
2. PlotLollipop(modules, cur_DMEs, pvalue, avg_log2FC = "avg_log2FC")
3. dplyr::select(modules, c(module, color)) %>% dplyr::distinct

This happens with dplyr 1.0.9 installed.

Hi, I was able to find and resolve the source of the error. Can you please re-install hdWGCNA and try it again?

devtools::install_github('smorabit/hdWGCNA', ref='dev')

Dear Sam,
thanks a lot for responding quickly and fixing this. I have been testing it and it works now. I am deploying a single cell tutorial on a docker container and I have been using it to teach part of a course which includes your package, and we really liked it :)