
v0.6.0 gives error: NotImplementedError: Do not know how to deal with infinite readers

fcakyon opened this issue · 2 comments


While reading an mp4 file having the following error:

NotImplementedError: Do not know how to deal with infinite readers

steps to recreate:

System: ubuntu 18.04
Download the mp4 file:

pip install pims==0.6.0 imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.7
video_reader = pims.Video(clip_path)

temporary fix:

pims v0.5.0 doesnt give this error.

pip install pims==0.5.0 imageio-ffmpeg==0.4.7

Also running into this error today with v0.6.0

I've experienced the same thing. I think it can be fixed with something like #415