
Interrupt configuration pushPull logic broken

choller opened this issue · 3 comments

Currently, the interrupt configuration function looks like this:

void LSM9DS1::configInt(interrupt_select interrupt, uint8_t generator,
	                     h_lactive activeLow, pp_od pushPull)

	if (pushPull) temp &= ~(1<<4);
	else temp |= (1<<4);

with pp_od being declared as

enum pp_od

The LSM9DS1 spec says:

PP_OD   Push-pull/open-drain selection on the INT1_A/G pin and INT2_A/G pin.
        Default value: 0
        (0: push-pull mode; 1: open-drain mode)

So with the current code, if you specify INT_PUSH_PULL (which is 0), it will write 1 into the register and switch to open-drain mode instead.

The parameter should be renamed and the logic swapped to give the correct result.

Fwiw, this means that all uses of interrupts with this library are broken.

@choller could you write a PR on my fork? I'd be happy to merge it

Hello. It seems that interrupts are not working correctly. I wonder if it is because of the issue mentioned here. Are you going to update the code?

Unfortunately... no. I really don't have the time to put into it. If you want to make a PR, I would be happy to merge it