- 1
- 1
- 3
- 1
How to deal with pandoc
#40 opened by prjemian - 3
versioned releases
#42 opened by msftcangoblowm - 2
Issue Using Poetry in Non-package mode
#39 opened by rhit-mierowir - 5
- 0
Integrated sphinx-doc/github-problem-matcher
#34 opened by SilverRainZ - 4
Implement as GitHub Pages
#30 opened by flywire - 3
Consistency with Sphinx Documentation
#31 opened by flywire - 1
Incorrect README sphinx version
#33 opened by t92549 - 2
- 5
- 2
Add support for additional Sphinx options
#14 opened by haiiliin - 2
Pandoc with Pages v3
#24 opened by vballoli - 2
Support pyproject.toml for Python requirements
#17 opened by waltsims - 1
Use makefile instead of calling build-sphinx ?
#20 opened by peircej - 1
Pages v3
#12 opened by SilverRainZ - 5
Breaks custom domain setups (removes CNAME file)
#19 opened by peircej - 2
Always force push to ``gh-pages`` branch
#2 opened by SilverRainZ - 0
Works with sphinx-action
#1 opened by SilverRainZ - 6
Missing most of the documentation text.
#10 opened by sorenwacker - 1
Use mirror-action upstream
#8 opened by SilverRainZ - 10
Possibly dumb question...
#7 opened by rpgoldman - 7
Pygments version is too old
#5 opened by astrojuanlu