
Behaviour Tree MVP

Closed this issue · 0 comments


  • Given the clunkiness with formatting, unicode, latching .... consolidate the ros2 comms into a single non-text snapshot message
  • Decode the message with a client watcher that can usefully display all the things
  • Decide how to best interleave a tick with rclpy and design api to encourage that
  • Proof of life on a tutorial and a muppet



  • winds of change visitor → #70
  • ascii tree debug mode → #70
  • publish snapshot on change → #70
  • publish snapshot on start → #70
  • publish snapshot on modifications → #70
  • publish statistics (duration, period, averages, variances) → #70
  • single tick api → #70
  • investigate/review best way to interleave ticks with rclpy → #71
  • periodic ticking continuously with node timers → #71
  • periodic ticking for N ticks with node timers(?) → #71
  • tree shutdown method → #71
  • setup() that can pass it's node to children → splintered-reality/py_trees#182, #73
  • fix exchange test → #74



  • Port subscriber to blackboard related behaviours → #73
  • Subscriber behaviours under test → #76
  • Port battery behaviours → #73
  • Battery behaviour under test → #75

Proof of Life

Out of Scope

  • logging