
[watchers] serialised tip problem

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Tip showing at 'Ere we go' instead of 'Pause'

[||] Tutorial Seven [*]
    [-] Topics2BB [o]
        --> Scan2BB [o]
        --> Cancel2BB [o]
        --> Battery2BB [o] -- Battery level is ok
    [o] Tasks [*]
        -^- Battery Low? [x]
            --> Flash Red
        [-] Scan [*]
            --> Scan?
            [o] Scan or Die [*]
                [-] Ere we Go [*]
                    --> UnDock
                    [o] Scan or Be Cancelled
                        [-] Cancelling?
                            --> Cancel?
                            --> Move Home
                            --> Result2BB 'cancelled'
                        [-] Move Out and Scan
                            --> Move Out
                            [||] Scanning
                                --> Context Switch
                                --> Rotate
                                --> Flash Blue
                            --> Move Home
                            --> Result2BB 'succeeded'
                    --> Dock [o] -- successfully completed
                    [||] Celebrate [*]
                        --> Flash Green [*] -- flashing green
                        --> Pause [*] -- still running
                [-] Die
                    [||] Notification
                        --> Flash Red
                        --> Pause
                    --> Result2BB 'failed'
            --> Send Result
        --> Idle

Disappeared after fixing problems with the server.