Kubernetes operator for managing the lifecycle of Apache Flink and Beam applications.
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:warning: Action Required: Replace Deprecated
#840 opened by camilamacedo86 - 0
flink operator not clean up zookeeper nodes
#828 opened by ZHOUSH41 - 0
maxConcurrentReconciles not work
#827 opened by lppsuixn - 0
If the job submitter fails, the job keeps running
#720 opened by yolgun - 0
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Job Manager is not brought back up
#709 opened by live-wire - 0
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poddisruptionbudget is not allowing any disruptions
#675 opened by balonik - 0
While using application mode, the jobmanager pod is not restarted when killed
#677 opened by live-wire - 1
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HPA not creating new pods on scale event
#639 opened by mttcnnff - 2
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Flink controller does not properly clean up all resources created when HA is enabled
#560 opened by martinbomio - 0
Caused by GSSException: No valid credentials provided(Mechanism level: Failed to find any Kerberos tgt)
#629 opened by jiangjian0920 - 3
QUESTION: how to get sample app WordCount.jar to run with version 1.15.3 and 2 taskmanager replicas
#618 opened by pzim - 0
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Allow Flink to ignore savepoint on restore if the states of the old and new jobs are incompatible
#589 opened by JuliaBogdan - 1
QUESTION: How to setup HA with Flink Operator
#544 opened by cheeyeo - 5
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Rework examples
#569 opened by regadas - 0
Wrong job status after job update.
#567 opened by regadas - 0
Provide a changelog
#382 opened by joseparajelesGL - 0
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Rework Helm charts
#375 opened by regadas - 1
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Make PodDisruptionBudget optional
#487 opened by regadas - 3
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policy/v1 requires k8s version >= v1.21.0.
#381 opened by kocomic - 3
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Better errors for job control commands
#432 opened by live-wire - 1
Watch specific namespaces
#404 opened by nickcaballero - 3
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The operator stuck after k8s err:The POST operation against Pod could not be completed at this time, please try again
#430 opened by lppsuixn - 0
Job cancel is buggy
#434 opened by live-wire - 1
Can't create secret with Helm chart
#437 opened by Chromesssxx - 0
JobSubmitter exit code is lost
#424 opened by live-wire - 15
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FromSavepoint not work at first time
#389 opened by lppsuixn - 1
Operator fails to get log stream from job submitter because of sidecar containers
#392 opened by gyulaur - 0
[Question] Is there a way to use auto savepoint and restore with session cluster?
#391 opened by TarekMSayed - 5
OperatorHub and OLM version planned?
#369 opened by shalberd - 1
Avoid spawning Flink cluster when user control annotation job-cancel is submitted
#372 opened by regadas