- adambouras
- askenderanwen
- crapthingsHarbin, China
- delocalizerAustralian BioCommons
- dimapin
- drahnrebGermany
- dylanbeadleSan Diego, CA
- dylanroyMinnesota
- felixockerFrankfurt, Germany
- gr7ffoNürnberg
- igrangel
- J0hnG4ltSpain
- jbalintMadison, WI, USA
- jcbiddle
- joaobarroca-ff@farfetch-internal
- lh-cr
- LoboMix11
- mail4y
- max-85Augsburg
- merbst@DandelionLabs Foundation Internet Literacy Mentoring Inspiring Collaboration Across Oceans with Open Content
- michaelthegreatQuintero Applications LLC
- milvldmeemoo vzw
- nemenkoEpam Systems
- nicholsnAltos Labs
- nicolelilyNicole Designs Data LLC
- noahgorstein@stardog-union
- roufiq
- rysudsjesterlabs
- semarch
- sxh771
- thomas-gremmRTL2
- thompson0012
- WuKhanGuiZhou University of Finance and Economics