
Various scripts

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi all,

Over the past couple of weeks we've created a couple of scripts which might be useful to others as well:

  • a script that reads from a text file a number of sentences and then speaks them out in random order and at random time intervals.
  • a script that monitors the odometry and sends an email (from an email address taken in as parameter) to a set of email addresses (also taken as parameter) informing that the robot is stuck.
  • a script that copies a file or folder to an ftp (we are using this to remotely store data logged during runs).

Should I merge any of these to the trunk?


Sounds interesting. Just out of curiosity, what do you use the first script for?
Just try to find the right repositories for these and open a pull request. I think the second one could go in here somewhere. Not sure about the other two, though.

We used that once for a demo where the robot was patrolling, and every now and then it would say something like "Would you like some tea?" or "You're in my way" etc etc.

It sounds as if these scripts would better fit into strands_utils? Or if they are only related to the scitos robot platform maybe create a new package called scitos_utils?

Not sure if anything ever happened but given the age of this issue, I'll close it.