Data scientist and software engineer with 12+ years experience implementing machine learning in biomarker discovery and the proteomics/life sciences spaces.
SomaLogic Inc.Fort Collins, Colorado
stufield's Followers
- CreRecombinaseSan Francisco, CA
- kantonopoulosKTH Royal Institute of Technology
- buenoalvezmScience for Life Laboratory
- jrosellAiguafreda, Barcelona
- QGambeliiColorado State Forest Service
- kyoung73
- SeshatCZCzech republic
- isabella-bianchi
- tjohnson-somalogicSomaLogic
- lucasbrocoBoulder, CO
- andreagrioni@Novartis
- Nelson-GonOhio
- exuberantleighSomaLogic
- yeziaa
- okyis
- seijikoike
- cjkeyes
- walk2842