
scRNAseq analysis notes from Ming Tang

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my scRNAseq analysis notes. Please also check https://github.com/mdozmorov/scRNA-seq_notes from Mikhail Dozmorov and https://github.com/seandavi/awesome-single-cell

I have another repo for awesome spatial omics

The reason

Single cell RNAseq is becoming more and more popular, and as a technique, it might become as common as PCR. I just got some 10x genomics single cell RNAseq data to play with, it is a good time for me to take down notes here. I hope it is useful for other people as well.

readings before doing anything

single cell tutorials

scRNAseq experimental design

remove ambient RNA

single cell RNA-seq normalization

single cell impute

single cell batch effect

Benchmark single cell pipeline

Differential expression

for multi-sample multi-group differential analysis

Single cell RNA-seq

Considerable differences are found between the methods in terms of the number and characteristics of the genes that are called differentially expressed. Pre-filtering of lowly expressed genes can have important effects on the results, particularly for some of the methods originally developed for analysis of bulk RNA-seq data. Generally, however, methods developed for bulk RNA-seq analysis do not perform notably worse than those developed specifically for scRNA-seq.


  • Single cell perturbation prediction https://scgen.readthedocs.io A tensorflow implementation of scGen. scGen is a generative model to predict single-cell perturbation response across cell types, studies and species.

cell type annotation

single cell RNA-seq clustering

Overall, methods such as Seurat, SingleR, CP, RPC and SingleCellNet performed well, with Seurat being the best at annotating major cell types. Also, Seurat, SingleR and CP are more robust against down-sampling. However, Seurat does have a major drawback at predicting rare cell populations, and it is suboptimal at differentiating cell types that are highly similar to each other, while SingleR and CP are much better in these aspects

dimention reduction and visualization of clusters

fast PCA for big matrix

See https://t.co/yxCb85ctL1: "MDS best choice for preserving outliers, PCA for variance, & T-SNE for clusters" @mikelove @AndrewLBeam

— Rileen Sinha (@RileenSinha) August 25, 2016
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paper: Outlier Preservation by Dimensionality Reduction Techniques

"MDS best choice for preserving outliers, PCA for variance, & T-SNE for clusters"

t-SNE is a great piece of Machine Learning but one can find many reasons to use PCA instead of it. Of the top of my head, I will mention five. As most other computational methodologies in use, t-SNE is no silver bullet and there are quite a few reasons that make it a suboptimal choice in some cases. Let me mention some points in brief:

Stochasticity of final solution. PCA is deterministic; t-SNE is not. One gets a nice visualisation and then her colleague gets another visualisation and then they get artistic which looks better and if a difference of 0.03% in the KL(P||Q) divergence is meaningful... In PCA the correct answer to the question posed is guaranteed. t-SNE might have multiple minima that might lead to different solutions. This necessitates multiple runs as well as raises questions about the reproducibility of the results.

Interpretability of mapping. This relates to the above point but let's assume that a team has agreed in a particular random seed/run. Now the question becomes what this shows... t-SNE tries to map only local / neighbours correctly so our insights from that embedding should be very cautious; global trends are not accurately represented (and that can be potentially a great thing for visualisation). On the other hand, PCA is just a diagonal rotation of our initial covariance matrix and the eigenvectors represent a new axial system in the space spanned by our original data. We can directly explain what a particular PCA does.

Application to new/unseen data. t-SNE is not learning a function from the original space to the new (lower) dimensional one and that's a problem. On that matter, t-SNE is a non-parametric learning algorithm so approximating with parametric algorithm is an ill-posed problem. The embedding is learned by directly moving the data across the low dimensional space. That means one does not get an eigenvector or a similar construct to use in new data. In contrast, using PCA the eigenvectors offer a new axes system what can be directly used to project new data. [Apparently one could try training a deep-network to learn the t-SNE mapping (you can hear Dr. van der Maaten at ~46' of this video suggesting something along this lines) but clearly no easy solution exists.]

Incomplete data. Natively t-SNE does not deal with incomplete data. In fairness, PCA does not deal with them either but numerous extensions of PCA for incomplete data (eg. probabilistic PCA) are out there and are almost standard modelling routines. t-SNE currently cannot handle incomplete data (aside obviously training a probabilistic PCA first and passing the PC scores to t-SNE as inputs).

The k is not (too) small case. t-SNE solves a problem known as the crowding problem, effectively that somewhat similar points in higher dimension collapsing on top of each other in lower dimensions (more here). Now as you increase the dimensions used the crowding problem gets less severe ie. the problem you are trying to solve through the use of t-SNE gets attenuated. You can work around this issue but it is not trivial. Therefore if you need a k dimensional vector as the reduced set and k is not quite small the optimality of the produce solution is in question. PCA on the other hand offer always the k best linear combination in terms of variance explained. (Thanks to @amoeba for noticing I made a mess when first trying to outline this point.)

I do not mention issues about computational requirements (eg. speed or memory size) nor issues about selecting relevant hyperparameters (eg. perplexity). I think these are internal issues of the t-SNE methodology and are irrelevant when comparing it to another algorithm.

To summarise, t-SNE is great but as all algorithms has its limitations when it comes to its applicability. I use t-SNE almost on any new dataset I get my hands on as an explanatory data analysis tool. I think though it has certain limitations that do not make it nearly as applicable as PCA. Let me stress that PCA is not perfect either; for example, the PCA-based visualisations are often inferior to those of t-SNE.

You can’t add samples to an existing tSNE plot because there is no function outputed by the initial tSNE that maps from the higher dimensional space to the lower dimensions

UMAP is faster, the embeddings are often ++better, and you can use the result to project new data.

  • PCA loadings can be used to project new data

e.g. from this paper Multi-stage Differentiation Defines Melanoma Subtypes with Differential Vulnerability to Drug-Induced Iron-Dependent Oxidative Stress Fig 1D.

diffStagePCA = prcomp(t(diffStageDataCentered))

# Diff stage PCA (scores for top panel)
diffStagePCA_scores = diffStagePCA$x

# Cell line projected to diff stage PCA (scores for bottom panel)
diffStagePCA_rotation = diffStagePCA$rotation
cellLineProjected_scores <- as.matrix(t(cellLineDataCentered)) %*% as.matrix(diffStagePCA_rotation)

co-expression network

cell type prioritization/differential abundance test

  • why not compare groups of percentages?

some wisdom collected from https://twitter.com/tangming2005/status/1299927761826590720

by Nicola.

The problem with % is that they're bound to [0,1] and groups sum to 1. A multinomial logistic regression is probably your best friend here. You will see people using ANOVA, I would avoid that, as assumptions would not be met. You can use nnet::multinom to do it. see https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1890/10-0340.1

by Tom Kelly

I’m skeptical of doing this because it assumes that you don’t have bias in your sampling prep. How do you know the difference in cell proportions is biological not technical? Some cell types are harder to dissociate than others.


A good point. We found exactly that the macrophage monocytes are hard to get single cell suspension in the tumor type we are studying.


Yeah we collaborate with immunologists and heard similar issues with macrophages. With microfluidics, also important to consider cell size as large cells will be filtered out or block the instrument. Some cells more likely to clump together too. Perhaps single-nuclei is better?

Bottom line, please consider the techinical limitations and make sure the result is not confounded by techinical issues. For solid tumors, immunostaining to check if the cell population differences are true on slides.

large scale scRNAseq analysis


Marker gene pannel

  • COMET Single-Cell Marker Detection tool COMET’s goal is to make it easier to isolate a specified cluster of cells from a larger population. We attempt to find the best set of ‘marker’ surface proteins that occur in the specified cluster, but not in the rest of the population. Given this information, researchers can isolate the specified cluster using antibodies which bind to these ‘marker’ proteins.

Why does my output contain genes that are not relevant (e.g. are secreted rather than cell-surface)?? Our current marker list is inclusive rather than exclusive. If you find irrelevant non surface markers (e.g. secreted), you can manualy delete them from the list you used and upload the new list.

cell-cell interactions

extension of 3UTR for better counting for scRNAseq data

A. Derr, et al., End Sequence Analysis Toolkit (ESAT) expands the extractable information from single-cell RNA-seq data. Genome Res. 26, 1397–1410 (2016)

  • https://academic.oup.com/endo/article/159/12/3910/5133692 "we show that incomplete transcriptome annotation can cause false negatives on some scRNAseq platforms that only generate 3′ transcript end sequences, and we use in vivo data to recover reads of the pituitary transcription factor Prop1."

regulatory network

Gene signature/sets analysis

Alternative polyadenylation (APA)

  • We have written a Python+R pipeline called "polyApipe" for identifying alternative polyadenylation (APA) sites in 10X Genomics scRNA-seq, based on the presence of polyadenylated reads. Once sites are identified, UMIs are counted for each site and the APA state of genes in cells can be determined. Given the sparse and noisy nature of this data, we have developed an R package "weitrix" to identify principal components of variation in APA based on measurements of varying accuracy and with many missing values. We then use varimax rotation to obtain independently interpretable components. In an embryonic mouse brain dataset, we identify 8 distinct components of APA variation, and assign biological meaning to each component in terms of the genes, cell type, and cell phase.

Alternative splicing

differential transcript usage

useful databases

interesting papers to read

interactive visulization

  • VISION A high-throughput and unbiased module for interpreting scRNA-seq data.
  • DISCO: Deep Integration of Single-Cell Omics. Want to visual millions of cell online and annotate cell type automatically? Try it!!! Make single cell easier and make life easier!
  • TISCH Tumor Immune Single-cell Hub (TISCH) is a scRNA-seq database focusing on tumor microenvironment (TME).
  • CancerSCEM To date, CancerSCE version 1.0 consists of 208 cancer samples across 28 studies and 20 human cancer types

single cell RNAseq copy-number variation

advance of scRNA-seq tech

single cell multi-omics

Allele specific scRNAseq

mutation from (sc)RNAseq and scATAC

single-cell specific

"Yes, I'm only really convinced by mutations called from "tumour-normal" comparisons for identifying somatic mutations. In our cardelino paper (out today!!) we put a lot of effort into modelling ref and alt allele counts observed from scRNA-seq reads, but used calls fr WES data" Davis McCarthy.

pseudotemporal modelling

large scale single cell analysis

zero inflation

We show that the primary causes of zero inflation are not technical but rather biological in nature. We also demonstrate that parameter estimates from the zero-inflated negative binomial distribution are an unreliable indicator of zero inflation. Despite the existence of zero inflation of scRNA-Seq counts, we recommend the generalized linear model with negative binomial count distribution (not zero-inflated) as a suitable reference model for scRNA-Seq analysis.

The field is advancing so fast!!

check this website for the tools being added:

paper published:
Exploring the single-cell RNA-seq analysis landscape with the scRNA-tools database

contamination of 10x data


Did you know that droplet based single cell RNA-seq data (like 10X) is contaminated by ambient mRNAs? Good news though, we've written a paper (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/04/20/303727 …) and created an R package called SoupX (https://github.com/constantAmateur/SoupX) to fix this problem.

Is this really a problem? It depends on your experiment. Contamination ranges from 2% - 50%. 10% seems common; it's 8% for 10X PBMC data. Solid tissues are typically worse, but there's no way to know in advance. Wouldn't you like to know how contaminated your data are?

These mRNAs come from the single cell suspension fed into the droplet creation system. They mostly get their from lysed cells and so resemble the cells being studied. This means the profile of the contamination is experiment specific and creates a batch effect.

cellranger is the toolkit developed by the 10x genomics company to deal with the data.

some tools for 10x

DropletUtils Provides a number of utility functions for handling single-cell (RNA-seq) data from droplet technologies such as 10X Genomics. This includes data loading, identification of cells from empty droplets, removal of barcode-swapped pseudo-cells, and downsampling of the count matrix.