
A python script to extract video in rosbag file

Primary LanguagePython


This repo is the python script to extract video from rosbag

Work right away with python2.

It does NOT work with python3 for now because of cv_bridge.


Install the following package using pip

# Cryptodome
pip install pycryptodomex
# gnupg
pip install gnupg

Quick Start

  1. change BAG_PATH in extract.py to the rosbag file path
  2. change OUTPUT_PATH in extract.py to the output path for images
  3. change the topic name for rgb sequences in extract.py
# run this to extract images from rosbag
python extract.py

# images to videos
# might need to install ffmpeg
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i frame_%06d.png -codec copy output.mp4