
Unrecognized command

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Can you help me solve my problem with Orca please?
I installed Orca and its dependencies according to the guide.
But I have a problem when I want to use existing examples:
$ 06-trajectory_following /home/nbenhabib/orca/examples/resources/lwr.urdf
06-trajectory_following: command not found
Or :
$ rosrun orca 06-trajectory_following /home/nbenhabib/orca/examples/resources/lwr.urdf
[rosrun] Couldn't find executable named 06-trajectory_following below /home/nbenhabib/orca
[rosrun] Found the following, but they're either not files,
[rosrun] or not executable:
[rosrun] /home/nbenhabib/orca/build/devel/lib/orca/06-trajectory_following

Executables exist but ubuntu do not consider them as a command.

Thank you!

Looks like you are in a non-ros environnement.
Then in the build directory there should be an executable, you need to add the full path to it (ex) :
~/orca/build/idont/know/the/full/path/06-trajectory_following ~/orca/examples/resources/lwr.urdf