
A curated list of awesome Taichi applications, courses, demos and features.

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A curated list of awesome Taichi applications and resources.




Image Processing

  • Poisson Image Editing - A technique for image fusion without producing artifacts.
  • Taichi Procedural Painting - Imitating the painting process by generating images with different brush strokes. A dynamic window shows the comparison between the original image and the generated one.


A Jellyfish-like Demo

Mandelbrot Viewer

Taichi Math Playground

Machine Learning

  • DiffTaichi - Differentiable Programming for Physical Simulation.
  • Stannum - Fusing Taichi into PyTorch.
  • tinn - A Taichi implementation of the tiny-cuda-nn.
  • PAC-NeRF - Physics Augmented Continuum Neural Radiance Fields for Geometry-Agnostic System Identification.
  • TinyDiffRast - State-of-the-art approaches to differentiable triangle rasterization implemented in Taichi.


  • Cameray - It is a lens editor and simulator implemented in Taichi.


Blender Renderer

A Ray Tracing Demo

Ray Tracing Experiments


  • A Ray Tracing Demo - A ray tracing demo powered by Taichi.
  • Blender Renderer - A GPU renderer for prototyping and research written purely in python.
  • Chinoxel - Trying to implement Plenoxels using Taichi.
  • Differender - Taichi-based differentiable SciVis renderer for PyTorch.
  • Ray Tracing Experiment - Parallelized collision detection implemented in Taichi.
  • 2D SDF Generation - Generating 2D SDF: A GPU version based on jump flooding algorithm using Taichi.
  • Taichi SDF toy - Messing with Taichi voxel challenge renderer in order to "learn" some Python and Taichi.
  • Ti-raytrace - A ray-tracing renderer implemented in Taichi.
  • Taichi ray tracing - A few Ray Tracing demos powered by Taichi.
  • Ray Tracing in One Weekend - A fast python implementation of Ray Tracing in One Weekend using python and Taichi.
  • Taichi_volume_rendering - A simple volumetric renderer for medical images.
  • Facet - A Fast diamond Cut Estimator powered by Taichi.
  • whycode - A Taichi hackathon repo, use Taichi to achieve some visual effects.
  • RayTracingPBR - Ray Tracing PBR for Taichi Hackathon 2022.


  • CPDeform - Code and data for paper Contact Points Discovery for Soft-Body Manipulations with Differentiable Physics at ICLR 2022 (Spotlight).
  • PlasticineLab - A Soft-Body Manipulation Benchmark with Differentiable Physics.
  • TaichiGAME - A lightweight simulation engine in motion planning and control research fields.
  • TaichiSLAM - This project is a 3D Dense mapping backend library of SLAM based on Taichi, designed for the aerial swarm.
  • Tiouch - This project allows you to use a Touch Haptic Device to grasp and throw geometric objects in Unity. The objects are modeled by soft bodies and are implemented in Taichi.
  • taichi-hackathon-akinasan - A self-driving car powered by Taichi.


2D Fluid Simulator


Taichi fvm2d fluid ns

  • ASFLIP - An MPM method simulation implementing the ASFLIP advection method.
  • Ant Colony - An ant colony simulation.
  • Blender SDF Node Addon - An add-on to provide an SDF node system for SDF rendering and SDF collisions for physics simulation.
  • Cloth Simulation via Taichi - A cloth simulation using Taichi.
  • Cloth simulation homework - Cloth silmulation using the mass-spring system.
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics in Taichi - A collection of CFD-related resources for Taichi developers.
  • Diffuse - Thermal diffusion simulations using explicit and implicit methods.
  • Elastic Interaction of Particles - A simulation of Elastic Interaction of Particles (EIP) implemented in Taichi.
  • Graphics lab THSS - Parallelized collision detection on the GPU with a rigid body physics simulator.
  • Ink Painting Taichi - A simulation demo of ink paintings.
  • John Conway's Game of Life - John Conway's Game of Life written in Taichi.
  • Karman Taichi - Karman Taichi is an incompressible fluid solver written in the Taichi programming language.
  • Liquid simulation - Using Taichi to create SPH simulation.
  • LHCSim - A 3D physics simulation engine based on Taichi.
  • MLS MPM CPIC - An implementation of the CPIC (Compatible Particle-in-Cell) method with Taichi Lang, involving MLS-MPM and rigid body collision techniques.
  • Mpmsim - An MPM simulator powered by Taichi for automated design and soft robotics simulation.
  • MDSimulationRNA - A simple molecular dynamics simulation of RNA.
  • My Taichi Practice - Learning and practice with Taichi.
  • Positon based dynamic with Taichi - Positon-based dynamics with Taichi.
  • Physics Simulation Learning Using Taichi - Learning physics simulation using Taichi.
  • Poisson sampling homework - Poisson sampling algorithm simulation using Taichi.
  • 2D Fluid Simulator - A hard-core CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) solver powered by Taichi.
  • OpenClothPy - A cloth simulation work powered by Taichi.
  • SandyFluid - A course project for Physically-Based Simulation in Computer Graphics HS21, ETH Zurich.
  • SandPile Model - A dynamic sand mound model.
  • SPH 2D Taichi - An SPH-based 2D fulid simulation (including WCSPH and PCISPH) implemented with Taichi.
  • SPH Taichi - A Taichi implementation of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulator.
  • Structure factor - Average structure factor calculation from pdb files; CPU-based parallelization using numba and cuda-acceleration by Taichi.
  • Soft object perception - Simulation of water/elastic/snow/sand/mud using MLS-MPM method solver.
  • Taichi Elements - A high-performance multi-material continuum physics engine in Taichi.
  • Taichi collisional - An N-body code for star cluster simulations.
  • Taichi-cursor-activating-snodes-demo - A visual demo of Snodes' activation.
  • Taichi data factory - Using Taichi's legacy MLS-MPM method for fast fluid sim.
  • Taichi flocking - A simple flocking behavior simulation implemented in Taichi.
  • Taichi fvm2d fluid ns - An attempt to exploit the potential of Taichi-lang in computational simulation of compressible fluids with the finite volume method.
  • TaichiGraphics2021 - This is the side work to have fun with Taichi Graphics course 2021.
  • Taichi HW1 EulerianFluid - Jacobi method solver and Conjugate Gradient method solver.
  • Taichi LBM3D - A 3D lattice Boltzmann solver with Multi-Relaxation-Time collision scheme and sparse storage structure implemented using Taichi programming language.
  • TaichiMD - Interactive, GPU-accelerated Molecular (& Macroscopic) Dynamics using the Taichi programming language.
  • Taichi PIC - A particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation program used in plasma physics.
  • TaichiSimplicialFluid - An interactive toy of surface flow implemented in Taichi.
  • Taichi Titanic 188 - Two fun games created with the MPM method: The brick game and the iceberg crash simulation.
  • Taichi Tetris - A Tetris game with soft-body simulation implementing the MPM method.
  • Ti NBody - N-Body simulation written in Taichi.
  • FEMcy - A finite element solver based on Taichi, being parallel (CPU/GPU), portable and open-source.
  • TaichiDEM - A high performance objected-oriented Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulator in Taichi.
  • Taichi-BEM - A Taichi BEM solver.
  • BlackHoleRayMarching - A black hole simulation based on general relativity theory.
  • Acube - A game about cutting and moving the cubes, based on mpm.
  • tiMusicFluid - Make fluid dance with the music. A fun fluid simulation based on Taichi.
  • Taichi_Gravity_Sketch - A drawing game based on Taichi, using gravity as the brush, and the universe as a canva.
  • TiBox2d - Game oriented 2d physics engine made by Taichi.
  • taichi_dem - A minimal DEM simulation demo written in Taichi.
  • SPH-Fluid-Simulation - Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics implementation with Python.

Voxel Art

White Boat & Yellow Duck

Little Night Lamp

Half Broken
