
UnityMasterData is a tool that works just on Unity, to provide a workflow of operating master data for developing quickly/serviceability with using "Excel" for your project.

Primary LanguageC#


UnityMasterData is a tool that works just on Unity, to provide a workflow of operating master data for developing quickly/serviceability with using "Excel" for your project.

The diagram following here is described how works UnityMasterData.


Getting started

Append lines in Package/manifest.json

  "dependencies": {
    "com.tani-shi.unity-excel": "https://github.com/tani-shi/unity-excel.git#1.0.0",
    "com.tani-shi.unity-master-data": "https://github.com/tani-shi/unity-master-data.git#1.0.1",

Ways to use

1. Create/Update excel files in your project.

The excel files to be master data must be format as following below.

A B...
1 Key Name *1 Field Name <= Not allow empty
2 Comment Comment <= Nullable
3 Enum Definition *2 <= Nullable
4 Key Type *1 Field Type *2 <= Not allow empty
  • *1 : Commonly, the key name will be id, and also that type will be int or uint.
  • *2 : If the enum definition is non-empty, that field type will be the enum name, then defines automatically in MasterDataType.cs.

The sample excel file is here.

2. Generate/Update scripts to manipulate master data by MasterDataClassGenerator.

Invoke MasterDataClassGenerator.GenerateAllDataScripts from your project, then generate scripts.

- {0}/MasterData/DAO/Generated/{1}/{2}DAO.cs
- {0}/MasterData/DTO/Generated/{1}/{2}DTO.cs
- {0}/MasterData/VO/Generated/{1}/{2}VO.cs
- {0}/MasterData/Type/Generated/MasterDataType.cs
- {0}/MasterData/Collection/Generated/MasterDataAccessorObjectCollection.cs
- {0}/MasterData/Editor/Exporter/Generated/{1}Exporter.cs

{0} = The specified path you set.
{1} = A name of the specified excel file without the extension.
{2} = A name of the specified sheet of the specified excel file.

3. Export master data assets as ScriptableObject.

Invoke MasterDataExporter.Export from your project, then export assets.

- {0}/MasterData/{1}/{2}.asset

{0} = The specified path you set.
{1} = A name of the specified excel file without the extension.
{2} = A name of the specified sheet of the specified excel file.

4. Create a class to define how to load assets that is extended MasterDataManagerBase.

The sample script is here.

5. Implement for your project.

The sample script is here.

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