PhD student at Lund University | MRI | EEG | Data Science
Lund UniversitySweden / Estonia / Australia
teanijarv's Following
- adrianacostafredaRigshospitalet
- aitchbiEPFL
- aliciajcampbellUniversity of the Sunshine Coast, Thompson Institute
- bids-apps
- ChristonikosParis, France.
- danieltomaszGhent University
- furmanlukaszDatalab108
- henrybeale
- illdopejakePhiladelphia
- jasmainakMartinos Center of Biomedical Imaging
- jchrispangMonash University
- JulesMitchell
- Kac1509@Insai
- karlssonlinda
- KevinAquino@BrainDynamicsUSYD @BrainKey
- kingjrMeta AI, CNRS
- kripae
- larveh
- markdyousef@Insai
- markur4University of Würzburg
- mayadeh-kooti
- miykaelLausanne, Switzerland
- mne-tools
- netneurolabMontreal, Quebec
- nipreps
- nSpotorno
- peeterleetsUniversity of Tartu | Center of IT Impact Studies
- rdgao@mackelab
- rorytboyle
- scilusSherbrooke, QC, Canada
- snail-fuji
- tczhangzhiThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
- voytekUC San Diego
- voytekresearchU.C. San Diego
- wihetoGothenburg, Sweden