A handsome Darcula theme for Jupyterlab. The first jlab theme to include dark scrollbars
- 0
installing via conda - prompt
#40 opened by friendlyantz - 1
compatibility with jupyterlab version 4X
#71 opened by mhrezabod - 1
Illegible colors with JupyterLab 3.6.1
#68 opened by dhirschfeld - 4
Yellow background in Exceptions
#53 opened by EnyMan - 3
Coloring contextual help
#41 opened by slmg - 0
Cannot install, not sure why
#55 opened by busaniman - 2
coloring `%` in cell magics
#17 opened by ianhi - 0
enhancement: coloring custom defined functions
#47 opened by baggiponte - 2
- 2
Status bar is missing with latest JupyterLab
#42 opened by gouku - 6
Spills styles over even when not active
#32 opened by krassowski - 2
do a new release for jupyterlab 3.x
#22 opened by telamonian - 2
Changing color of markdown text
#16 opened by saurabhkankriya - 1
New version of jupyter
#20 opened by denpetrov - 4
#21 opened by bytearchive - 2
Default dark theme for matplotlib
#8 opened by wallneradam - 1
Missed highlights for methods in 1.1.3
#10 opened by vnemiro - 2
Scrollbars are not styled in Firefox 70
#11 opened by timhoffm - 2
- 1
self and cls is not highlighted
#9 opened by wallneradam - 2
Panels not loading
#7 opened by nhols - 6
Font size difference in code vs text
#4 opened by agoose77 - 1
#3 opened by erolosty - 4
Error while installing
#6 opened by adrian-SG - 2