- 8
Transfer never finishes
#74 opened by hmrc87 - 3
Set location for the .ftppass file
#71 opened by enstyled - 4
#75 opened by imalhasaranga - 1
exclusions and subfolders
#64 opened by ivoba - 8
Not uploading the file
#60 opened by 7vs - 3
Publish changes to NPM
#81 opened by johnhaley81 - 0
Adding multiple dest support
#80 opened by hellboy81 - 1
Keep Alive
#72 opened by Gouvi - 0
Transfer mode makes binary file corrupted
#79 opened by afonsof - 0
- 2
test implementation are missing
#40 opened by maboiteaspam - 0
- 3
serverSep not working for deeper directory
#62 opened by watert - 5
path in file names
#48 opened by atbjk - 1
Got fatal error when trying to connect
#76 opened by kamilklosowski - 0
SFTP session closed undefined
#73 opened by riklamme - 4
(Feature Req) Create missing directories
#34 opened by roytruelove - 0
Cannot upload two times to the same server
#61 opened by amarchen - 7
- 0
expand home user path
#70 opened by stefanocudini - 0
Task hangs during upload on large files
#69 opened by weeksie - 1
Erasing files on host
#65 opened by ebhoren - 7
- 3
The src parameter must end with a /
#58 opened by JamesHagerman - 11
New version doesn't upload any file
#43 opened by overclokk - 3
- 1
ssh-agent not being used
#42 opened by WhyNotHugo - 3
- 3
use parrallel transfer to make it faster
#38 opened by maboiteaspam - 6
- 2
Never reaches connection ready state
#28 opened by dclowd9901 - 4
windows directory can't be detected.
#24 opened by qubaomingg - 1
CamelCase issue using server_sep in GruntFile.js
#41 opened by xdemocle - 6
add check if file exists already
#18 opened by mastef - 1
Most recent update not available on NPM
#33 opened by domdoescode - 2
done is not defined
#29 opened by thisislawatts - 2
grunt task name must be 'sftp-deploy'?
#27 opened - 1
- 0
server_sep big bug
#20 opened by hao-ji-xing - 1
server_sep fails in subdirs
#21 opened by vebersol - 1
Warning can never be triggered
#15 opened by Trott - 1
- 8
- 8
When calling an sftp-deploy task as part of a task, the task just ends after the first sftp-deploy
#8 opened by soupdiver - 5
- 1
Deployment to multiple Machines
#5 opened by KKrisu - 1
Grunt 0.4 Release
#2 opened by tkellen - 0
Auth example not valid JSON
#1 opened by johnhaggkvist