
A reward program for TON contributors

TON Footsteps

The list of the TON Footsteps represented in the GitHub issues section.

How to propose something to the list?

Ideation Stage

  1. Open a Footstep issue. Name it using the name of your proposal.
  2. Fill the issue form or use footstep issue template as a reference to explain the goal of the proposal. Use the #217 issue as an example.
  3. Ensure to examine the Telegram Bot, which, upon a single request, will generate a ready-to-use footstep in compliance with the predefined parameters, visible in the instructions for rapid footstep creation using ChatGPT.

Review Stage

  1. The community can comment, discuss and suggest changes to the proposal.
  2. TON Footsteps committee regularly reviews proposals. The committee labels an issue approved if approved. Otherwise, they close it.
  3. After receipt of the label approved, footstep is approved for implementation, but has not yet been assigned to the performer.
  4. After discussing the amount of reward, oriental release date and the assignment of the performer(s), they can start performing footstep.

Completion stage

  1. Footstep performer finishes the task and verifies that all deliverables are completed.
  2. Performer leaves a comment in the issue with following information:
  • TON wallet address for reward.
  • Results achieved.
  • Name for the Hall of Fame.
  1. The committee will review the work and distribute rewards.

How to complete something from the list?

  1. Find a suitable task from the list of the approved issues and free from the performer.
  2. Propose your plan or just ask to assign yourself to the issue.
  3. Follow next steps of Review and Completion stages.

It's worth pay attention

  • Please don't forget to do interim progress reports in the comments.
  • If some milestone is done, mark the checkboxes in Deliverables as completed.

Hall of Fame

Name Task Link
Revuza, Gusarich Examples: How to receive payments in a Telegram bot Issue
Dan Volkov VS Code Extension for FunC Issue
Oleg Baranov Soulbound NFT's Issue
Oleg Baranov NFT Swap Contract Issue
Roman User-friendly TON Documentation Issue
Nikita highligh.js integration Issue
Purple NFT Raffle contract Issue
Dan Volkov FunC, Fift and TL-b lexers for pygments Issue
Nikita Fift syntax highlight for highlight.js Issue
Nikita TL-B syntax highlight for highlight.js Issue
menschee Article: How does the fee count? Issue
Nikita Adds syntax highlighting of Tlb, Fift, and FunC to prisma.js Issue
Oleg Baranov Verifier Registry smart contract Issue
Revuza Cover "Explorers" article Issue
Raven Tutorials: How to create (mint) own NFT Issue
Coalus Examples: How to receive payments in a Telegram bot using NodeJS Issue
Nikita Adds peg parser for Tlb language Issue #59, Issue #89, Issue #92
Gusarich Cover "Wallet Contracts" article Issue
Slava Tutorials: Mint a Fungible Token (Jetton) Issue
Andrey Burnosov Tutorial: How to run TON Site Issue
Gusarich Cover "How to open any TON Site" article Issue
Dan Volkov NFT Sales for Jettons contract Issue
Vadim Volodin Add toncoin to trust wallet assets Issue
Miandic, Gusarich, Tashonov, Andrew Grekov, Coalus, Spite Moriarty TON Cookbook Issue
Nick Nekilov Develop a universally adopted wrapped Toncoin (wTON) Issue
Slava Articles about "Toncli" and "Ton Storage" Issue
Shayan Shojaei General TON Stats Website Issue
ProgramCrafter Articles: TVM assembly, Fift and the difference Issue
Gusarich Articles, improvements, reviews and fixes for TON docs Issue
Slava Telegram Bot for the TON Developer Community Issue
Vadim Volodin, Viacheslav Bushev Add toncoin to trust wallet core Issue
ProgramCrafter Article: Integration manual for TON Connect 2.0 Issue
ProgramCrafter Article: Generation of block random seed Issue
Gusarich Article: Random number generation in smart contracts Issue
Nikita Kuznetsov Development TON Connect 2.0 in OpenMask Issue
AlexG TACT lang documentation Issue
Oleg Baranov English Translation of Articles of TON Deep Doc Issue
TonSafe Development TON Connect 2.0 in TonSafe Issue
Mark Tonic Wallet : First Multi-Accounts based TON Extension Wallet supporting TC 2.0 Issue
Gusarich, Miandic Multisig wallets support for ton.js and guide Issue
ProgramCrafter Article: Sending messages with TON Connect 2.0 Issue
Andrey Sorokin Development TON Connect 2.0 in Tonkeeper Issue
mytonwalletorg Development TON Connect 2.0 in MyTonWallet Issue
Spite Moriarty Tutorial: How to work with smart wallet contracts Issue
Vladislav Zhovnitsky Development TON Connect 2.0 in Tonhub Issue
krau5 TVM Instruction Search React Component for TON Docs Issue
Sergey Andreev Example of a telegram bot that uses TonConnect 2.0 Issue
Aleksandr Brekhin Integrating Kotlin SDK with Java Projects Issue
Ivan Bridge Development TON Connect 2.0 in DeWallet web wallet Issue
TONFLOW Development TON Connect 2.0 in TONFLOW web wallet Issue
Aleksey Papirovskiy Rust SDK for TON Issue
Coalus Article: NFT Collection step-by-step creation Issue
TonDevStudy Series of videos on TON programming - Livecoding on FunC in English with TON Dev Study Issue
XTON team Development TON Connect 2.0 in XTON wallet Issue
Roman Zaycev PHP SDK for TON Issue
Slava, Gusarich Notifications in Telegram about new footsteps Issue
Andrey Burnosov Access control via NFT and SBT Issue
Andrey Kravchenko Python library for TON Connect 2.0 Issue
thekiba, goreactdev ADNL over UDP for Node.JS Issue
Gusarich Detailed description of TON block layout in the TON Documentation Issue
Gusarich Detailed description of Transaction layout in the TON Documentation Issue
Slava, Andrey Burnosov Blockchain Config Issue
Gusarich Massive sender bot and contract Issue
XTON team VS Code extension for Tact language support Issue
Coalus Update and Refactor Awesome TON Page with TON Ecosystem Links Issue
Coalus, krau5 SBT Minter telegram bot Issue
TonDevStudy Series of videos on TON programming - Livecoding on Python in English with TON Dev Study Issue
ProgramCrafter TON Timer Issue
Ivan Romanovich Dart library for TON Connect 2.0 Issue
thekiba, goreactdev Ton Developers Program: Footsteps Issue
Gusarich Documentation for Get Methods (Getters) in TON Blockchain Issue
yungwine Step-by-Step Guide for Launching Liteserver Issue
SeriyBeliy Reproducible research of performance of TON Footsteps as a Component Issue
ProgramCrafter Step-by-step explanation for TON DNS subdomains system Issue
NMI Testnet coins faucet bot for Telegram Issue
TonDevStudy TON Dev Study - Learn send_mode and fees through Sandbox tests Issue
pyAndr3w, Purple Guy C# SDK for TON Issue
Novus Nota Dart/Flutter SDK for TON Issue
Novus Nota Detailed description of initialization stage for TVM in the TON Documentation Issue
thekiba, goreactdev DHT over ADNL for Node.JS Issue
Vladislav Kibenko Telegram Web Apps platform documentation Issue
Monnttes Upgrade verifier-contracts + verifier web app + verifier backend Issue
Yablonev TON DNS Renewal tool Issue
Alefman Vladimir Creation of a Smart Contract Development Course on Tact Issue
yungwine Exotic Cells documentation: Merkle Proofs, Prunned branches and Merkle Updates Issue
Gusarich, Ivan Romanovich Update TON FunC Lessons with Blueprint SDK Issue
Andrey Burnosov Tutorial: "Developing a Telegram Bot App to Check Ownership of NFT" Issue
Vadim Volodin Add jettons to trust wallet core Issue

TON Footsteps committee

For any questions, please contact Slava Yakimenko during working hours.