
There are 63 repositories under aras-community-project topic.

  • itemtype-graph

    Contains a Graph View Definition that visually displays the configuration of any ItemType.

  • view-card-editor

    This project provides an alternate GUI for editing the View Cards used by Aras Graph Navigation.

  • cui-shortcut

    Demonstrates how to add a shortcut through CUI

  • visual-user-listing

    Sample custom interface for listing and filtering items (Users in this sample code)

  • email-language-chooser

    The sample provided adds an action on the Part Item that will allow the user to send an email to the creator of the Part with details of the part.

  • Adding-Minor-Revision-Handling

    Adding Minor Revision Handling to Document Itemtype

  • simple-time-sheet

    simple time sheet project

  • dashboard-customizations

    Demonstrates how to customize dashboard fonts and chart styles

  • style-non-current-items

    Demonstrates two ways to style the form of a non-current version of an item.

  • project-template-migration

    This project adds an action that can be used to migrate a Project Template item from one database to another.

  • override-default-structure-browser

    Sample code for customizing the Aras structure browser.

  • ArasTooltipHelp

    Aras Innovator 帮助提示

  • Dashboards

    Aras Innovator 看板

  • intro-to-graph-nav

    Package contains sample configurations from Aras Labs blog posts on Graph Navigation.

  • Innovator.ReportEngine

    Innovator.ReportEngine is a command-line application which extends Aras Innovator to support using Razor templates in addition to XSLT for reports.

  • effectivity-sample-application

    This sample application is designed to show developers how they can use the Effectivity Services API to create custom applications.

  • copy-to-clipboard

    Contains sample code to demonstrate how to copy text to the clipboard in an Aras client-side action.

  • environment-info

    A new "Environment Notification" icon has been added to the toolbar, and environment details are displayed via popup.

  • my-calendar

    Displays the InBasket contents in monthly calendar notation, with workflow tasks and project tasks displayed in different colors.

  • readme-template available as a template for any Aras Community Project

  • External-Input-Example

    This is a very simple Visual Studio Web Application that includes several text boxes and a button. A user will be able to fill in data into the text boxes, and once the user clicks the "Submit" button, a connection to Aras Innovator is made during which it creates a new PR with the given data provided by the user.

  • add-url-to-property-dialog

    This project adds an item link url field to the standard item property dialog in Aras. [ARCHIVED]

  • call-date-dialog

    Demonstrates how to call a datepicker dialog from method code.

  • sample-project-template-npi

    A Multiple Phase Project Template for High Tech New Product Introduction (NPI).

  • find-active-debuggers

    Adds an action to locate active debug statements in Method items' method_code

  • cascading-filtered-lists

    Demonstrates how cascading filtered lists can be implemented in Aras.

  • find-parent-package

    This project imports an action to help you figure out which package definition contains a specific item.