
There are 38 repositories under googlecloudstorage topic.

  • sumedhdixit/GCP

    All files containing commands which can be used to complete GCP quests and challenge labs

  • georgezoto/Google-Cloud-Platform-Associate-Cloud-Engineer

    Google Cloud Associate Engineer repository on my journey to becoming a cloud expert. Feel free to take a look at the resources I used under the Links section.

  • ghcn-d


    Data Pipeline from the Global Historical Climatology Network DataSet

    Language:Jupyter Notebook22206
  • 9trocode/node_storage_manager

    Storage Manager for cross platform e.g AWS S3 GStorage and file-system

  • okzapradhana/cloud-flower

    Batch ETL using Cloud Environment which is GCP by utilizing Cloud Composer + Google Cloud Storage + Dataflow + Cloud Build

  • pzrsa/mechkeebs

    online community for discovering your next mechanical keyboard.

  • bilalmohib/AlumTecRedesign

    Aluminium curtain wall, windows and doors company. Providing Construction Services.

  • BvChung/EchoAI

    CodeRED Genesis 2nd Place Winner General Track

  • happyman125/Angular_Django_BankPortal

    This demo, showcases a dummy banking portal. It includes: Django Rest Framework, Dialogflow, Angular, and Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Builder, Pub/Sub, DLP API, NLP API, Google Cloud Storage, Cloud Functions and BigQuery.

  • rafsaf/ogion

    A tool for performing scheduled database backups and transferring encrypted data to secure clouds, for home labs, hobby projects, etc., in environments such as k8s, docker, vms.

  • Amanokaze/gcloud_django_deploy

    Django simple application using GAE(Google App Engine) and Cloud Storage

  • JESUSC1/Speech-Recognition-Exercise

    Developed a versatile speech recognition system with advanced diarization and integrated multiple recognition engines using the SpeechRecognition library in Python and Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API. Optimized transcription models for enhanced accuracy. Utilized Apache Spark for large-scale analysis of transcribed data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • jianliu15/Around

    Geo-index and Image Recognition based Social Network

  • rthomas24/gpt-angular-starter-kit

    Explore the innovative angular-gpt-starter-kit, a dynamic tool for creating document-based Q&A applications using GPT and LangChain, integrated with Angular, Ionic, and Capacitor. This kit offers a sleek, Angular-based chat interface, leverages Google Cloud and Firebase for data retrieval, and incorporates HNSWLib for advanced vector storage.

  • slimdestro/php

    PHP cool Programs

  • thunchanokbow/AudibleBook-Revenue

    Manage big data on cloud computing to find a list of best-selling audible books, generate reports and dashboards, and provide products and sales promotions that meet the needs of consumers in Thailand

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Cloud-based-Web-Scraper


    A GUI based Web Scraper

  • aluka1994/SmartBillSavings

    Flask BoilerPlate Template for Google App Engine

  • awsdataarchitect/aws-config-custom-resource-samples

    AWS Config Custom Resource Samples

  • Bomb3077/receipt-organizer

    A receipt organizer (first hackathon project)

  • clebim/codeFlix

    Api where I'm applying my latest studies like entities, clean architecture, SOLID and clean code | Express Application for to post your videos(IN PROGRESS) Also available in graphql (IN PROGRESS)

  • dee-me-tree-or-love/pypiserver-appengine

    Run your `pypiserver` on AppEngine with Google Cloud Storage backend :zap:

  • gatari/cloud_storage_signer

    Generates cloud storage signed url.

  • miftahul-huda/gcsfileuploader

    API to upload, create, list and delete files in Google Cloud Storage. It also contains web user interface to upload file.

  • Nimit2098/Crime_Data_Analysis_Pipeline

    Engineered a robust data pipeline using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services like Cloud Storage, Compute Engine, BigQuery, resulting in a 30% decrease in data processing and analysis time of the San Francisco Crime dataset.Designed an interactive dashboard using Looker Studio, empowering stakeholders to explore crime data visually.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • ozcu/superDelivery

    A fast delivery website sample prototype

  • piyush26c/File-System-Using-Cloud-Storage

    Implementation of a standard file system with POSIX interface that uses Google Cloud storage object

  • alvamend/TrelloCloneBackend

    A Clone of Trello

  • basleenders/ghost-custom-docker

    My custom Docker image for Ghost CMS

  • gdivecha/RUHacks2022-TamaCord

    This repository contains the files for the Discord Bot we made for the RUHacks2022 Hackathon held on May 6th, 2022

  • GillisWerrebrouck/text-extract

    A service to extract text from images using the Google Cloud.

  • kuldeepkd13/eksaq

    This is a simple web-based audio recorder application built with React. It allows users to record audio using their microphone, play back recorded audio, and view a list of previous recordings.

  • MakenaG/portfolio

    My Portfolio

  • Nimit2098/SF_Crime_Data_Analysis_Pipeline

    Engineered a robust data pipeline using Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services like Cloud Storage, Compute Engine, BigQuery, resulting in a 30% decrease in data processing and analysis time of the San Francisco Crime dataset.Designed an interactive dashboard using Looker Studio, empowering stakeholders to explore crime data visually.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • simranjeet97/GoogleVision_OCR

    GoogleVision_OCR Project to Read out PDF
