
There are 58 repositories under modular-programming topic.

  • OlegAlexander/lakos

    Visualize Dart/Flutter library dependencies in Graphviz dot. Detect dependency cycles.

  • codedit334/JS_Group_Capstone

    Tv Shows Webapp that fetches, stores and display data from APIs

  • dipesg/face_match

    Streamlit app that takes input from user and predict a face match with bollywood actor.:smile::smile:

  • djose1164/Programacion-Modular

    Proyecto de la Materia: Programacion para Mecatronicos. Este proyecto consiste en simular el manejo de una pequena tienda.

  • dipesg/House-Price-Prediction

    A Kaggle Advance House Price Prediction Competition in Modular Format. :house: :moneybag:

    Language:Jupyter Notebook410
  • dipesg/Insurance_Fraud

    Webapp that predict whether a claim is a fraudulent or not by asking user to put a csv file as mention in schema.json.

  • dipesg/Thyroid-Classification

    Web app which detect whether a person has a hypothyroid or not. Here user will give csv input as mentioned in schema file and according to that this app will predict.:hospital:

  • dipesg/Vision-Attendence-System

    GUI that prompts a user to input their ClientID, EmpId, Name and phone number and prompt user to take the image. After taking a image there is a option to train and also a predict is there so that user s attendence is taken.:office:

  • HamedBabaei/sentiment-analysis

    Twitter sentiment analysis using the sentiment140 dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4101
  • tw-scripts/TW-Components

    Tiddlywiki component is a group of TW macros and tiddlers create a visual element for complex processes.

  • ajmalfaris11/nodejs-modular-file-handling

    A Node.js repository focused on modular programming principles, using the fs module to handle file operations like reading and writing. This project explores structured code organization with Node.js modules, encouraging clean and reusable code practices.

  • utpalpaul108/waste-detection-using-yoloV5

    Waste detection using YOLOv5 presents a promising approach for automating waste identification, classification, and localization. Its real-time capabilities, high accuracy, and adaptability make it a valuable tool for waste management, environmental monitoring, and robotic applications.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3200
  • xujiachang1024/MDP-Pac-Man

    Design and Implementation of Pac-Man Strategies with Embedded Markov Decision Process in a Dynamic, Non-Deterministic, Fully Observable Environment

  • DivyamKakkar24/Farm-Widgets

    A GUI application, which comprises 4 widgets: a Calculator, a To-Do List, a Countdown Timer and a Rock-paper-scissors game.

  • fatherbrennan/spinebash

    This is a Bash-built, dependency-free SPA framework which allows for a modular programming experience using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • invictusaman/Data-Analyst-Project-Folder-Skeleton

    A quick way to jumpstart your data analyst projects at organizational level. The folder structure ensures you adhere to modular and efficient programming approach utilizing python and notebook. Reports can also be generated using Quarto Renderer.


    Projeto em Grupo para a disciplina de Programação Modular na Graduação em Ciência da Computação na PUC-Rio.

  • Gabriel-Lucena/PTBALPR

    Desenvolvimento do raciocínio lógico por meio do formalismo de algoritmos, abordando os princípios da representação e manipulação da informação. A disciplina aborda os conceitos referentes a representação de algoritmos, tipos de dados, identificadores, operadores, expressões e estruturas de controle.

  • iTsanak/Production-Line-Simulation-System

    C++ Production Line Simulation System

  • MohanVishe/Notes

    Comprehensive resource for those interested in Python programming, Data Science, Data Analysis, Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • PiyushChaudhari99/HDPE_and_PET_Bottle_Plastic_Waste_Classification_Project

    This repository serves as a showcase for my data science projects, demonstrating a project on classification on HDPE and PET plastic bottle waste using convolution neural networks

  • TaylortheGenie/insurance_claims

    A full stack classification machine learning project.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • utpalpaul108/plant-disease-detection

    Image-based plant disease detection systems hold immense promise for revolutionizing agriculture by enabling early detection, precise control, and sustainable management of plant diseases, leading to increased crop yields, improved food quality, and enhanced economic benefits for farmers.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • ArsxnUses/BMI-Calculator

    Introduction Project to Meathods & Calls

  • interappconnectorproject/interappconnector

    Library that helps to create modules that can be easily integrated in different project types

  • interappconnectorproject/interappconnector-samples

    Repository that contains different samples that show how to use the InterAppConnector library

  • learn-hunger/visualise-data-kit

    currently built for visualition of tensorflow skelton images for good productivity

  • ManuelAAM/ATMCashier

    Functional ATM software in Java

  • MohamedArshadGit/Machine-Learning-Regression-End-to-End-Project

    In this Repo i have used all possible machine learning algorithms and problem statement is Regression

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • N335T3R/ticTacToe

    Web-based tic-tac-toe application

  • SINGHxTUSHAR/DiamondPricePrediction

    This is a DiamondPricePrediction project with fully automated pipelines, logging, exception handling and with setup module.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0110
  • VicTheM/simple_shell

    we have come across many shells: sh, bash, csh etc... this is a customized shell as ALX C project, it's name is hsh

  • MarcosChaarBR/Modular-Programming-with-Python

    Modular-Programming-with-Python Code

  • pranjalco/higher-lower-game-intermediate

    Project 10: The Higher-Lower Game is an interactive command-line game where players guess which option has more followers on social media. The game continues as long as the user guesses correctly, tracking their score. It provides an engaging experience while demonstrating key programming concepts like data handling and user interaction.

  • pranjalco/number-guessing-game-intermediate

    A fun and interactive number-guessing game where the player attempts to guess a randomly generated number within a specified range. The game offers two difficulty levels—Easy and Hard—each with a different number of attempts.

  • vamsi-krishnakOO7/K.R.I.S---A-PC-Assistant

    The following repository contains the files and resources related to a PC Assistant.
