nextage_moveit_config doesn't work with fake_joint_driver as it is
7675t opened this issue · 2 comments
hrpsys_ros_bridge has action server for FollowJointTrajectoryAction, but the action name is fixed to "follow_joint_trajectory_action" (
However, the action name in ros_controllers is fixed to different name "follow_joint_trajectory" ( As the result, we cannot use fake_joint_driver with the released nextage_moveit_config setting. Of course we can make new moveit_config in which we set the action_name to "follow_joint_trajectory" and it works, but I'd like to use the released version of nextage_moveit_config if possible.
I feel it is the best that hrpsys_ros_bridge change its action name to the regular naming "follow_joint_trajectory" following ros_control, but I know it is risky for users. The another option is to add a feature to specify action name to ros_controllers/joint_trajectory_controller, but I feel it is also unnecessary change for most users.
Any idea? @k-okada
I have solved it by remapping.
sorry for late, yes, using remapping is designed for this purpose.