tranSMART is a knowledge management platform that enables scientists to develop and refine research hypotheses by investigating correlations between genetic and phenotypic data, and assessing their analytical results in the context of published literature and other work.
- ahelsleySunnyvale, CA
- ajmandelQIAGEN
- alxndrkalininBroad Institute of MIT and Harvard
- amaternDedham, MA
- baumjaminHamburg
- bmpvieiraLifebit
- Bono974Bordeaux
- canuel
- cdejongePhilips (Research)
- charlotte-raillereDexstr
- cornibe
- ekospinachKayan Patria Pratama
- gidili@MetaCell @openworm
- gtarceaUniversity of Michigan
- hillan141Rancho Biosciences
- iDrakosParis
- jestillMichigan Center for Translational Pathology (MCTP)
- jonandel
- keesvanbochoveThe Hyve
- lankeen
- marcojahn@codecentric AG
- mkapoorBerkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance
- mokjpn
- mrgcohen
- olvitoleLeadWay Global
- PhocionJohnson & Johnson
- psoaresMiami, FL
- rv816
- saneaGermany
- sonata82
- thomaskelderEdgeLeap
- tjchen
- verdurin
- wardweistraFirely (@FirelyTeam)
- z3339253