
Where can I find the original acado code used to generate C code

chentairan opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi @bbrito ,

I only found the acado generated C code in the directory amr-lmpcc/lmpcc/src/generated_mpc, I would like to read the acado ocp code (Code for generating C code), where is it please?

Chen Tairan

You can find it here: acado/examples/ocp/bioreactor2.cpp

Hi @bbrito ,

I find that the bioreactor2.cpp doesn't contain the free space and dynamic obstacles constraints. But in the bioreactor.cpp has these.

Could you please check which file is the right acado code?

Chen Tairan

You are right. It is bioreactor.cpp.

I am sorry for this. I should have created a proper cpp for this and well documented but I did not have the time.


Fortunately I got the whole algorithm running.
I tried to generate C Code from bioreactor.cpp and found some subtle differences when comparing it with this project's ocp directory. But it doesn't affect me to read this code, thanks a lot.

I have another question, in mpc the reference path is read in through the config file, if I want to update the global path dynamically, do you have any suggestions to change it?

Chen Tairan

Hi, you can use the global planner that comes with ros move_base. Then you can add a subscriber to that topic and update the path waypoints. I hope it helps!

Thanks !