A pathtracer for R. Build and render complex scenes and 3D data visualizations directly from R
- adam-gruerEPA Victoria
- artemklevtsov
- batpigandme@tidyverse
- chenzxShanghai, China
- coolbutuselessAustralia
- davidskiCyentia Institute (@cyentia)
- EmilHvitfeldt@posit-dev
- enigmoe@journocode
- foton263Athens, Greece
- grasshoppermouseWashington State University
- HectorRDB
- hmrtn
- JackEdTaylorGoethe University Frankfurt
- jasenfinchAberystwyth University
- javierluraschihal9ai
- jdkparker
- jonocarroll@IrregularlyScheduledProgramming
- knightcrawler25India
- marco2gandolfo
- MattSandyAppUp
- mdsumnerIntegrated Digital East Antarctica, Australian Antarctic Division
- mkearneyMeijer
- mosraPrague, Czech Republic
- nitschkematthewVictoria University of Wellington
- nmondonLe Figaro
- oganm@PavlidisLab, UBC
- piratebriggsFrome
- RLesur@InseeFr
- RMHogervorstNetherlands
- RoyMachineLearningCIBC
- StijnDeVosRijksuniversiteit Groningen
- tjmcdono
- TulgaUnlusoyGreater New York Area
- XiangyunHuang@cosname
- yutannihilationJapan
- zx8754http://www.icr.ac.uk/