Bugs, suggestions or free discussions about the minimal markdown editor — Typora
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Typora doesn't remember maximized state on open
#6156 opened by thurrott - 0
Flowcharts (flowchart.js) cannot be rendered
#6180 opened by habakuk007 - 0
Images automatically enlarge after setting size
#6179 opened by MatoYing - 1
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↓ is displayed when there are two Spaces in the md file. How can I not display ↓
#6177 opened by shiyunxiao - 0
Issue with Image Rendering in Typora
#6176 opened by shawn8888 - 0
[Feature] Apple Intelligence Writing Tools Support
#6175 opened by PeronGH - 1
Mermaid flowchart-elk no longer works in 1.10.2-dev
#6174 opened by nanoant - 2
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[Feature/Bug] Cannot launch with external Electron 28+
#6154 opened by intelfx - 0
Text inserted in Typora has double space errors.
#6173 opened by secu-design - 1
[Feature] about code black feature
#6161 opened by AsaStudyHard - 0
[Feature] Make reading Arabic script text clearer
#6172 opened by hahanein - 0
[Feature] Enable Typora to select text between backticks/quotes with mouse clicks
#6171 opened by alexbarten - 0
Cannot paste when copying a line using Ctrl+X
#6170 opened by sky-279 - 0
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Footnote definition is missing auto-appended `↩` link for navigation back to reference + request for info
#6165 opened by dajare - 0
[Feature] support partials
#6166 opened by lifeiscontent - 0
how can i get the line number where the image tag "![image_name](image_url)" will insert when image uploading?
#6164 opened by Tina-Serria - 0
On Mac OS, typora loses mouse focus after switching from preview mode to edit mode
#6163 opened by jaywhj - 1
The end of the selection cannot select a code block
#6148 opened by willzhang - 0
When first line/heading ends with '.X', saving with default settings treats '.X' as file extension
#6162 opened by bobtheguitar - 1
[Feature] Add menu option to open recent folder
#6158 opened by xnervwang - 1
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[Feature] Render the li HTML tag
#6151 opened by sphuong-v3 - 0
[Bug] In an empty list item, the caret position is not vertically centered and will JUMP after insert first letter
#6159 opened by isunjn - 0
Keyboard shortcuts don't work on Linux
#6157 opened by Squirreljetpack - 0
[Feature] Support Piclist web service
#6155 opened by ikelvingo - 0
Cannot register “Ctrl+Comma” as a shortcut for “Comment”
#6153 opened by sorsted - 0
User did not grant permission
#6152 opened by galaxystarme - 0
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[Feature] Custom User-Agent when getting image
#6149 opened by Zxis233 - 0
[Error] detect data lost
#6147 opened by plylrnsdy - 0
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Spell-check not working on long texts
#6145 opened by Wintermute79 - 0
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Typora segfaults after cancelling print
#6142 opened by 0xNige - 0
Text is printed dark gray instead of black
#6141 opened by D-ominik - 0
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Inline math/code is not automatically rendered
#6136 opened by JunzheShen - 0
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Upload Image / Multiple Commands
#6138 opened by jon-sully - 0
forbid equation numbering when export docx
#6135 opened by kongdd - 0
"Export" does nothing on Ubuntu
#6137 opened by ariehr89 - 0
Typora 右键新建文件夹没反应
#6134 opened by SunnyGoh - 0
[Feature]希望加入 AI 补全功能
#6133 opened by Tinuv-Dev - 0
[Feature]Show other files in in left side column.
#6132 opened by wahello - 0
[Feature]Number limits of open recent
#6131 opened by zhaoqingqing