- 3
Postgres 9.6 needs password
#62 opened by dirkpetersen - 0 does not work on Windows
#64 opened by bobaekang - 4
elasticsearch index_not_found_exception
#55 opened by hschwicht - 0
memory / disk requirements not documented
#63 opened by dirkpetersen - 0
jq: Unknown option --inplace
#61 opened by dirkpetersen - 0
mangled shebang
#60 opened by pedromcruz - 0 assumed yq is present in path
#52 opened by nuwang - 1
Incompatible with switch from SIGNPOST to INDEX_CLIENT in version 1.1.12 of sheepdog
#46 opened by pschumm - 1
troubles getting indexd-service up
#42 opened by vanetten - 0
- 0
indexd.username conflict ?
#23 opened by bwalsh