Full-Stack Developer: MERN | Ruby on Rails | React | JavaScript | Python. I'm open to remote full-stack positions.
Technical Support Enginer at Microverse and certified Full-stack DeveloperBrasil
Pinned Repositories
In this project, the you will implement the bubble sort algorithm. Assignment is focused on the use of yield and passing a block to a method.
A Kanji mobile-first study catalog web-app that, by consuming the Japanse kanji API, enables students to select groups of Kanji by grade or work book lists and access their readings, stroke order, and pronunciation. Built with React and Redux.
A firefox add-on that wraps the content of the tab copyboard between html tags or any custom string and also accumulates copies if accumulative copyboard is on.
A responsive country catalog app with restcountries.eu data, and a togglable dark UI theme. It allows users to search countries by their code, name, and browse countries bordering the currently selected country. Built with React and Material UI.
A Phaser3 game with stored score data with Leaderboard API service and original assets that let users play as a tentacle sea creature and shoot/squeeze divers. Built with Phaser3.
A breakfast restaurant page with client-side which allows users to toggle between the restaurant about page, menu, and contact information. Built with Javascript and Webpack.
a clone of a New York Times article page.
A mobile-first SPA Rails and React web-app for remote meetups that let users create, favorite, and browse a catalog of meetings and groups. The API was built with Rails and the client with React and Redux.
A quick React and javascript assignment for the timescale frontend position
A ruby version of the traditional Tic Tac Toe that let's two players have matches via terminal commands. Built with Ruby.
uryelah's Repositories
The greatest startup ever created
This is a repo to demonstrate how Git and GirHub work
A robot powered training repository :robot: