
Tracking features from simulated data

BonJovi1 opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi @danielgehrig18

Thanks a lot for your code! I was trying to use EKLT to track features using simulated data from RPG's Event Camera Simulator. I got your code to work on the boxes_6dof scene from the event camera dataset. But unfortunately, the EKLT code doesn't seem to work on the bag file outputted by the simulator. When I do rosbag play simulated_data.bag, it's unable to recognise it and still says: Waiting for the first image

Any idea why this may be happening? Is it possible that the format the event simulator stores the data in is NOT the same as the format followed by the event camera dataset?
For instance, when I play the simulated file with rosbag play simulated_data.bag, and then list out the topics with rostopic list, I get the following:


But when I play the boxes_6dof.bag file from the event camera dataset, and list out the topics, I notice some variations:


Sorry for the long query. Would be really grateful for your advice! :)

Thank you,

Hi Daniel,

Thank you so much, this worked! Silly me, I should've checked the .launch file.
Just had a couple more follow-up questions.

(1) I tried to track features for static scenes exhibiting human motion. It seems to track some features in an area where there is no motion taking place. For instance, in the top-left corner of this image, some features are being tracked. But those pixels aren't moving, it's only the girl in the middle who's skipping. Could you please advise me on how to ameliorate this issue?


(2) Another thing I noticed is that, there seem to be less features being tracked in later frames of the video. When I run the code, It starts off with _tracking 60 features and keeps reducing by one until it reaches 0. Could you please elaborate on what this exactly means?

Thanks a lot!

Hi @danielgehrig18
Sorry for troubling you again. Very eagerly awaiting your response, whenever you're free!

Thank you,

Hi Daniel,
Thank you so much! You're right, I'm not updating the corner pixels. I'll try out your suggestion to alter the min_num_corners parameter. Hopefully that ought to do the trick, will let you know asap!

Thanks a bunch,

Hi Daniel,
Thanks a lot for your help! I set min_num_corners to a higher value and now the tracks are much more dense and prominent. Thank you very much for your advice, I shall go ahead and close this issue