
how this tools do the trajectory alignment?

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how this tools do the trajectory alignment?

you can specify different alignment types and frames to use

Specifically, it uses Umeyama's method as implemented here

You can check the paper for details:

@zhangzichao I got a keyframetrajectory generated by VINS-mono, Now I would like to transform the format to fit this tools needed. when executing -h, the question is how can I get a file that includes id_stamp. I am new to this tool. any clues would be appreciated.

Hi, I am not sure what format you have exactly...

But it seems that the output you have is some pose file that does not have a timestamp? If this is the case, the pose file should have at least some information that tells you which image each pose corresponds to, which you can use to get the timestamp. This depends on specific output format/datasets of course.

The script you are using assumes that the poses are marked by id (e.g., the sequential number of the image) and replaces the id with timestamp in id_stamp to get the desired format of the toolbox. The file id_stamp provides the correspondences between id and timestamp. How to get the id_stamp is again dataset dependent, and you might need to write your own script for that.

@zhangzichao Thank you for your comprehensive reply. I have already fixed this problem. Several days ago, I didn't understand what files should be provided, if trying to run that script, at first glance. Anyway, Thank you for your patience.