
Abstraction layer over Khronos Vulkan API

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Abstraction layer over Khronos Vulkan API


Writing rendering stuff in Vulkan requires a lot of boilerplate code, unlike OpenGL and Direct3D 9. This is the cost we pay for low-level and high-performant API, where we can control a lot of things that previously only graphics driver was responsible for. Vulkan has very verbose interface where you have to initialize a lot of structures to get things work. This complicates fast prototyping, makes your program error prone and hard to read and understand.


There are a lot of different C++ bindings, developed to simplify usage of Vulkan, including:

and many others, but I've found that no one suitable for my purposes, because their implementations are different from my vision how such wrapper should be implemented and used. So eventually I decided to write my own.


Magma is all about initialization. It was designed with simplicity of object construction in mind. Initialization exploit C++ RAII idiom with constructor overloading and default parameters that can be omitted. Also library has a lot of pre-defined state objects, so developer can use them without initialization of custom states. With this approach construction of the most complex Vulkan object - VkPipeline - takes only a dozen lines of code.

All objects are inherited from two types: Dispatchable and NonDispatchable, according to API specification. These types in turn are inherited from base Object class. Render state objects are simply structures that inherited from Vulkan structures and has plenty of constructors to conveniently initialize state description. They don't have any additional members, so user can safely cast an array of state objects to an array of Vulkan structures. All state objects have ::hash() method, which can be used to quickly lookup similar pipeline states in the cache instead of creating a new one.

The library was designed with (almost) zero overhead in mind. While C++ exceptions are extensively used during object construction, numerous methods are marked with the noexcept specifier to minimize compiler-generated stack unwinding code.

  • Most of run-time methods don't throw any exceptions.
  • A lot of arguments are passed through lent_ptr type that doesn't manage lifetime of the object and can accepts native, unique of shared pointer.
  • The command buffer has a "lean and mean" implementation, designed for cases where near-zero overhead is essential.
  • Thin methods around API calls are made inline.

Predefined render states are usually "constexpr" objects, which means that they are initialized at compile-time (not run-time), mapping efficiently to low-level API.

The library usually allocates variable-length arrays (VLAs) on the stack instead of the heap. While this approach can lead to stack overflow in misuse scenarios, it significantly speeds up allocations and minimizes memory fragmentation at runtime.


Defining descriptor set layouts is usually one of the most complicated parts of the Vulkan API, often leading to tangled and hard-to-maintain code. Conceptually, this should be done using reflection between C++ and shader code. Reflection is a mechanism making it possible to investigate yourself. In programming languages, reflection is used to access object properties and invoke methods in run-time. While C++ lacks true reflection, Magma emulates it using variadic templates and SPIR-V reflection data. This approach allows descriptor set layouts to be defined as regular C++ structures and ensures their validity against specific shader bytecode. At runtime, you can assign resources (buffers, images, samplers, acceleration structures) to descriptor bindings, and they will be seamlessly attached to the shader when the descriptor set is bound via the command buffer.

Memory management

While it is technically legal to create buffers and images without a custom memory allocator, it is highly encouraging to provide host and device memory allocators during resource creation. Keep in mind that the number of memory allocations is limited by the implementation-defined value VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxMemoryAllocationCount. As a result, a per-object allocation approach is only suitable for small graphics applications. Using a custom allocator enables sub-allocations from larger memory blocks, reducing memory fragmentation in dynamic scenarios. Magma provides an IDeviceMemoryAllocator interface, allowing you to implement your own allocator or use the default one, which is built on top of the Vulkan Memory Allocator. Typically, the "allocator" parameter is the first among the default parameters passed to constructors, making construction expressions more concise and intuitive.


Magma was written mainly around Vulkan 1.0 specification, but has built-in support for some extensions, like ray-tracing, mesh shaders, transform feedback and some other minor extensions. There are a lot of mobile hardware that support only Vulkan 1.0, so it is better to have a wider range of compatible hardware rather than a questionable features. Support for new API versions (1.1 and beyond) has not been implemented yet. Additionally, I have no plans to support extended dynamic states introduced in Vulkan 1.3, as they violate the core concept of Vulkan — everything should be pre-compiled before the render loop runs.


Magma provides some auxiliary objects that were written on top of core functionality. Their goals are to facilitate development by providing typical operations used in 3D graphics. For example, sometimes I miss immediate mode from OpenGL 1.x era, where you can quickly draw a few primitives with glBegin/glEnd. Or often there is need to quickly present rendered image to the screen, or create shader from GLSL source instead of pre-compiled SPIR-V binary and so on. Auxiliary objects are placed in nested aux namespace and are not part of the Magma core.

Some auxiliary objects use built-in precompiled shaders. Hash of a bytecode of these shaders calculated in compile-time to reduce loading overhead.


There are dependencies from the following third party libraries:

  • shaderc - a collection of tools, libraries, and tests for Vulkan shader compilation.
  • SPIRV-Reflect - a lightweight library that provides a C/C++ reflection API for SPIR-V shader bytecode in Vulkan applications.
  • Vulkan Memory Allocator - Vulkan memory allocation library.

Library depends on STL and has not been designed to be used with custom containers. It doesn't use any file input/output.


Code is written in modern C++11/14 and takes advantage of new language features.

Supported compilers:

  • MSVC
  • GCC
  • Clang
  • MinGW

Build tools and SDK

Ubuntu Linux

Install Git and Make (if not available):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git
sudo apt install make

For Xlib, install X11 headers and libraries:

sudo apt install libx11-dev

For XCB:

sudo apt install xcb
sudo apt install libxcb-icccm4-dev

Go to the directory where .run file was saved:

chmod ugo+x vulkansdk-linux-x86_64-<version>.run
cd VulkanSDK/<version>/
source ./setup-env.sh

Check that Vulkan environment variables are present:

printenv | grep Vulkan

If you have error glslangValidator': Permission denied after running Make, go to bin directory of Vulkan SDK, and add executable permission to this file:

chmod +x glslangValidator


Download and install Xcode IDE. Apple ID may be required to use it.

You need to properly configure VULKAN_SDK environment variable and make it visible to Xcode.
Open Terminal, check that environment variable is present:


If not, open zshrc file in Nano:

nano ~/.zshrc

Add environment variable:

export VULKAN_SDK=<you_path/VulkanSDK/1.x.xxx.x/macOS>

Press Ctrl-O/Ctrl-X to save changes and exit editor.
With Xcode versions 7 and later, you may need to enable this behavior:

defaults write com.apple.dt.Xcode UseSanitizedBuildSystemEnvironment -bool NO

Run Xcode from terminal:

open -a Xcode

Build instructions


Visual Studio project is located in the magma/projects/vs directory. If you are using Visual Studio older or newer than 2017 version, open project property page Configuration Properties/General and configure Platform Toolset property. It may be neccessary to adjust Windows SDK Version property too in the case if you get an error like this:

error MSB8036: The Windows SDK version 10.0 was not found. Install the required version of Windows SDK or change the SDK version in the project property pages or by right-clicking the solution and selecting "Retarget solution".

Also there is a command-line build option:

  • Open x64 Native Tools Command Prompt (e.g. through Taskbar's Search box).
  • Go to magma directory.
  • Set DEBUG variable to choose between Debug or Release build, run build script.
set DEBUG=1

By default, debug version of static library is builded. If you want to build a release one, set DEBUG=0. Build files are located in the magma/projects/vs/x64/Debug(Release) directory


Qt Creator project is located in the magma/projects/qt directory. To successfully compile the library, you need to setup path to Vulkan SDK as environment variable. Go to Edit/Preferences (or Tools/Options), open property page Build and Run, then select Kits tab. Find Environment property, click "Change" button and add path to Vulkan SDK directory:

To compile for specific platform, open magma.pro file, and add definition of the target platform, e.g.:


By default, Qt Creator uses only single CPU core, which slows down compilation significantly. To enable multi-core compilation, select Projects, open Build Settings page, navigate to Build Steps and set Parallel jobs value to the number of CPU threads you want to assign for compilation. For older versions of Qt IDE, navigate to Build Environment section and add new variable MAKEFLAGS -j<N>, where N is the number of CPU threads you want to assign for compilation.

Also there is a command-line build option:

  • Open terminal.
  • Go to magma directory.
  • Run GNU Make.
make DEBUG=1 -j<N>

where N is the number of CPU threads you want to assign for compilation. By default, debug version of static library is builded, so DEBUG flag can be omitted. If you want to build a release one, explicitly specify DEBUG=0.

Vulkan supports different windowing system. By default, XCB is used. If you want to switch to Xlib, open Makefile and replace




Other compositors like Wayland or XRANDR have not been tested.


Xcode project is located in the magma/projects/xcode directory. Open the project, go to Build Settings, find System Header Search Paths and check that VULKAN_SDK environment variable is resolved to actual path to Vulkan SDK.


To test that all components of the library work as expected, I wrote a collection of samples that use Magma. They are written in a cross-platform way (Windows/Linux) to make sure that library is able to work on all platforms.

You can find these samples here: graphics and ray-tracing.