
Log sensor data using RPi

Primary LanguagePython

Log sensor data using RPi and ESP8266

Example: https://thingspeak.com/channels/321821

Sensors -> MQTT -> Telegraf -> InfluxDB -> Chronograf: Chronograf dashboard


Sensor Measurement Interface Host Publish to
BME280 temperature (C), pressure (mBar), humidity (%) I2C RPi3 thingspeak, MQTT
TSL2561 visible light (lux), infrared, broadband I2C RPi3 thingspeak, MQTT
MH-Z19B CO2 (ppm) UART (USB) RPi3 MQTT
PMS7003 particle matter (counts and PM [1, 2.5, 10] ug/m³) UART (pins) RPi3 MQTT
FlowMeter shower usage via Hall effect flow sensor (ml/s, total_ml, duration) GPIO ISR Wemos D1 mini MQTT
BloodPressureWifi read Beurer blood pressure monitor (hiBP, loBP, HR) SPI EEPROM Wemos D1 mini MQTT

thingspeak.py reads BME280 and TSL2561, the other sensors run as standalone services (see their repos).


Install dependencies with pipenv install. Register at www.thingspeak.com and replace Config.key in thingspeak.py.

Run with

./thingspeak.py 2>&1 | tee -a thingspeak.log