- 2
Interpretation of Fasta Headers
#328 opened by bio-unach - 3
What is the full name of multi?
#370 opened by liuxue-123 - 1
Illumina SE
#365 opened by nicolo-tellini - 0
Megahit not running [Errno 2]
#378 opened by mrxuzj - 1
- 0
different -t ,different result
#377 opened by Dongdong-Chen - 0
clarification on --continue
#376 opened by willboulton - 2
exit code -6
#373 opened by 2061574124 - 0
aarch64/arm64 support
#375 opened by jianshu93 - 0
Setting parameters for Megahit
#374 opened by Rose1904 - 0
help to find megahit code that uses GPU
#372 opened by natarivera33 - 0
Multiple paired end fasta file question
#371 opened by g-raymo - 9
Megahit in Arm Neoverse de 64 bits core
#320 opened by higaredavm - 0
BUG: Unable to set kmer size
#367 opened by haogecat - 3
Hi~I got this error: 'Exit code -9'
#351 opened by MaxBai0123 - 1
Merge simple edges in the assembly graph?
#364 opened by schorlton - 0
Error: Exit code -7
#363 opened by MoriatyZy - 3
MEGAHIT output: scaffolds
#359 opened by tvtv195 - 0
Is there a default for the --preset option?
#362 opened by jolespin - 0
How to tell what the "peak memory" or "maximum memory needed" would be for a job based on the log?
#361 opened by jolespin - 1
Exit code 6 when assembling kmers
#331 opened by hbbshulman - 0
Megahit running for almost a month now
#358 opened by OluchiAroh - 0
How to solve memory shortages?
#357 opened by xfk274280 - 0
Exit code 1
#355 opened by xsq2022 - 0
Exit Code -6
#354 opened by GJPaul - 3
Will circular DNA be reported?
#353 opened by ZeweiSong - 1
Error with latest OS X Bioconda recipe
#344 opened by vinisalazar - 0
== Error == system call for: "['']" finished abnormally, OS return value: 2
#352 opened by MaxBai0123 - 1
Exit code 9.
#335 opened by schrad910 - 1
Problem with big assembly
#343 opened by ElsaMMendes - 2
number of cpus//threads
#338 opened by EricDeveaud - 2
Stuck with exit code 1 for a while please help
#348 opened by Sabrin2020 - 0
Ubuntu WSL and Open-Suse server megahit_core read2sdbg
#347 opened by feeka - 0
Usage on Mac - megahit_core read2sdbg
#346 opened by feeka - 0
Assembly contiguity & sequencing depth
#345 opened by TymekPieszko - 0
When I run the command, Megahit can only recognize one fq file, what happens
#341 opened by chenyu-11 - 0
I set 560 threads,but i got this log.
#340 opened by WJT0925 - 0
ID in header
#339 opened by Biofarmer - 0
Exit code -15
#337 opened by Menggong-li - 0
- 1
Which minimum kmer is supposed to be used on the 701G merged single-end .fa reads?
#334 opened by B-1991-ing - 1
Paired-end reads and --min-count
#325 opened by ZeweiSong - 0
[All datasets] Suspicious report of identical # unitigs disconnected in graph pruning
#333 opened by GabeAl - 2
Can we use megahit to assemble rna-seq data?
#332 opened by xiekunwhy - 2
Understanding kmer contigs for FASTG Output
#323 opened by joshuakirsch - 1
Assembly killed exit code 9 despite sufficient memory?
#327 opened by jzrapp - 0
- 0
assembly error
#324 opened by quliping - 0
#322 opened by fujch7 - 0
Better results with lower sequencing depth !?
#321 opened by soungalo