- 3
Update legacy facts
#404 opened by voreilly - 0
Error: Could not prefetch selinux_fcontext provider 'semanage': uninitialized constant Selinux | Support for Amazon Linux 2023
#400 opened by vikasperi - 2
Review RSpec/BeforeAfterAll: Beware of using before/after(:all) rubocop warning
#199 opened by vinzent - 1
Test Pipeline
#389 opened by daberkow - 2
- 5
Puppet file resource applies old file-context
#188 opened by vinzent - 2
Missing dependency for selinux::boolean
#387 opened by jcbollinger - 0
- 3
Error: Could not prefetch selinux_fcontext provider 'semanage': uninitialized constant Selinux
#367 opened by sohooo - 1
Drop EoL RHEL 6 support
#358 opened by bastelfreak - 1
Drop Puppet 5 support; require 6.1. or newer
#357 opened by bastelfreak - 0
Using selinux::fcontext::equivalence with hiera
#353 opened by WembleyFord2 - 5
testing on Amazon Linux
#232 opened by clinty - 0
Resources that use 'semanage' should have an autorequires on the various packages
#345 opened by trevor-vaughan - 2
- 0
Add support for Fedora 33
#343 opened by trevor-vaughan - 7
The script needs to pick the correct version of python on a system with multiple installed
#335 opened by trevor-vaughan - 0
Add support for Puppet 7
#342 opened by trevor-vaughan - 1
Error finding provider when using selinux_port
#337 opened by jeannegreulich - 3
missing semanage tools on el8
#333 opened by granquet - 1
Manage setroubleshootd/sealert?
#327 opened by jcpunk - 2
Unable to manage ports on RHEL/CentOS 8
#316 opened by blackknight36 - 8
Error: Could not prefetch selinux_fcontext provider 'semanage': uninitialized constant Selinux
#311 opened by trungson - 11
Facter 4 compatibilty
#318 opened by ekohl - 8
Missing CentOS 8 support
#301 opened by jehane - 11
Puppet errors on nodes with SELinux disabled
#286 opened by blackknight36 - 0
No autorelabel when enabling SELinux
#309 opened by tequeter - 12
Just a heads-up - change in RHEL 7.7
#299 opened by ubellavance - 4
#293 opened by Ronaldschouw - 1
- 1
Fcontext fails on re-run on newer platforms
#288 opened by ehelms - 1
Error: Could not load policy module: libsemanage.map_file: Unable to open /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/selinux/<name>/<name>.pp
#276 opened by foxhunt72 - 9
Expected parameter 'refpolicy_makefile' of 'Class[Selinux]' to have type Stdlib::Absolutepath
#212 opened by nmaludy - 0
New release
#265 opened by juniorsysadmin - 4
- 4
operatingsystemmajrelease unknown variable when running puppet-rspec test against selinux module.
#252 opened by mehstg - 2
Module uses deprecated hiera_hash() function
#238 opened by bazzie - 2
Skip exec "change-selinux-status-to-disabled" when current mode is enforcing or permissive
#245 opened by bjvrielink - 8
Module does not work with Fedora 26
#234 opened by vinzent - 5
Fix acceptance tests with docker
#223 opened by cdenneen - 8
Amazon Linux support
#230 opened by clinty - 2
- 1
config.pp creates tmp as file but wants to create a dir
#215 opened by ericcolruyt - 4
Release 1.0.0
#207 opened by vinzent - 3
Write better acceptance tests for new functionality
#185 opened by vinzent - 11
BREAKING: Redesign selinux::module parameters
#178 opened by vinzent - 3
Support for Amazon Linux 5, 6, and 2016
#200 opened by dmei4380 - 6
Remove CentOS 5 support
#190 opened by vinzent - 15
Release 1.0.0
#184 opened by vinzent - 0
Add deprecation notices before 2.0.0 release
#179 opened by vinzent