- 2
- 2
Using Foldseek when there are no PDBs
#76 opened by Yangqy-16 - 4
An easy issue
#75 opened by hello257 - 2
- 1
1) sequence recovery (sequence design) code request 2) generating .mdb file 3) PEFT 4) best model selection after training
#73 opened by sj584 - 5
finetuning with MLM task
#70 opened by sj584 - 11
How to fine tune locally with SaProtHub datasets?
#72 opened by dc2211 - 5
- 3
- 12
Can I post training SaProt?
#68 opened by har77774 - 4
Enable checkpointing Error when pretraining
#69 opened by zz-lovely - 10
fine-tuning with more protein sequences
#53 opened by avilella - 1
code for pretraining
#67 opened by done520 - 2
Key error when using aa sequence
#66 opened by HelloWorldLTY - 1
Interpretation of predicted mutation effect
#64 opened by TangYiChing - 0
Embedding generation
#65 opened by idmjky - 1
- 3
Training SaProt with a smaller ESM model
#45 opened by BSharmi - 4
Mutation location
#63 opened by TangYiChing - 1
PDB Validation set for figure 2
#61 opened by alex-hh - 1
- 0
Dimension error
#60 opened by 1412140736 - 1
KeyError: 'XcXgXyXtXyXgXd
#59 opened by 1412140736 - 4
Multiple mutation prediction
#58 opened by wangjs188 - 1
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- 4
Fine-tune SaProt on the Thermostability task
#38 opened by qiyifei1 - 4
- 4
Model use - relative imports
#54 opened by Hrovatin - 1
How to use SaProt as an encoder just like esm
#52 opened by KyrieYsPKU - 4
Is there a way to test/compute high load mutational effects on some datasets?
#51 opened by Yang-Wang-2020 - 1
- 1
Contact map prediction
#48 opened by gezmi - 1
can not use foldseek
#47 opened by WenxiangL - 5
Evaluate multiple mutation effect
#46 opened by dc2211 - 2
How to interpret mutational effect output?
#44 opened by dc2211 - 1
How to download cif files?
#41 opened by Guardian-in-the-WF - 1
Output dimension
#42 opened by douzhuang - 2
Dataset overlap
#40 opened by lhallee - 2
Guideline for fine-tuning a pre-trained model with specific protein thermal stability data
#39 opened by biowander - 1
Inconsistent config in `` when loading by the esm implementation
#37 opened by chAwater - 9
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How to reproduce the SaProt_35M_AF2?
#34 opened by AaranWang - 5
How to use my own dataset
#32 opened by Colin-Jay - 1
Problem of 'Some weights of EsmForMaskedLM were not initialized from the model checkpoint at ./SaProt_model and are newly initialized'
#30 opened by Gryff1ndor - 1
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per residue representations
#28 opened by FlorianWieser1 - 1