- 0
- 1
Segmentation fault
#29 opened by kkupkova - 0
- 1
fastenloc reads bgzipped inputs incorrectly
#22 opened by probalica19 - 1
Can fastenloc be run by chromosome?
#24 opened by guandailu - 1
Direction of effect
#11 opened by basel-maher - 1
- 1
- 2
Format of fine-mapping results from SuSiE
#27 opened by Cosmos0112 - 1
Ensembl version
#16 opened by basel-maher - 1
static binary file of version 2
#26 opened by Takahiro0113 - 1
- 6
fastENLOC doesn't fail when 0 loci is found
#18 opened by probalica19 - 2
- 2
Correct shrinkage value
#20 opened by rbutleriii - 0
- 2
#14 opened by xinyixinyijiang - 0
Open Target applied FastenLoc as the underlying Colocalization Analysis, Correct?
#13 opened by Shicheng-Guo - 0
- 5
snp not used in analysis?
#10 opened by basel-maher - 0
GTEx input data
#9 opened by basel-maher - 9
GWAS loci not detected
#7 opened by basel-maher - 2
multiple genes in output
#8 opened by basel-maher - 2
VCF file queston
#5 opened by basel-maher - 3
what are the total variants?
#6 opened by basel-maher - 10
Error installing fastenloc
#3 opened by BinglanLi - 3
Assigning LD blocks
#2 opened by DCousminer - 1
Result different from enloc?
#1 opened by Zepeng-Mu