
bearing vector related problem in Estimator::initialStructure

CanCanZeng opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I find that you change undistorted point from 2d point to 3d bearing vector, but in Estimator::initialStructure you still not change the code accordingly. See here

tmp_feature.observation.push_back(make_pair(imu_j, Eigen::Vector2d{pts_j.x(), pts_j.y()}));

Might it be a mistake?

@CanCanZeng For fisheye cameras, only stereo visual-inertial-odometry is supported. The code you show here is for mono camera case, which is not currently supported.
For stereo case, the initialization is at

f_manager.initFramePoseByPnP(frame_count, Ps, Rs, tic, ric);