[MICCAI 2019] Multi-scale Cell Instance Segmentation with Keypoint Graph based Bounding Boxes
- 4128222
- AF2O
- aiinall
- Ayanzadeh93United States
- charwing10Rutgers University
- csccsccsccscSouth China University of Technology
- directorscut82Technical university of Crete - TUC
- FeiyuanyuChina University of Mining and Technology
- gengrz123
- hyaihjq
- idealwei
- keshavprasadgubbiMPI for Neurobiology
- latexersBIT
- lh0515
- li-yanling
- LiquidAmmoniaSchool of Computer Science, PKU
- LoserSun
- Louis-cn-wx
- LuZekingFreie Universität Berlin
- MegumiOuOmicrosoft
- pxiangwu
- quqixunChengdu,China
- riven314Singapore
- ry-jojo
- SaadUllahAkram@mvision-ai @AaltoVision
- somebody-deep
- sunformoonJHU
- tianfangwu
- trissim
- WangboML
- Whiteglad
- whrenstone
- yf817
- yu-lab-vtVirginia Tech
- zengruizhaoWIZ.AI
- zhangliutong