
Segnet_pascal.caffemodel could not download.....

zhuhu00 opened this issue · 8 comments

The official website contains Segnet_pascal.caffemodel is down, I could not download from the official site, Do you have this model file? Could you send me a copy, my email address is zhuh2020@mail.sustech.edu.cn.

I also have this question,Could you please share your model to me,my email address is 220192216092@ncepu.edu.cn.

Me too, Could you please share your model to me,my email address is 3195661858@qq.com

Me too, Could you please share your model to me,my email address is m15988816746@163.com

Me too, Could you please share your model to me,my email address is 320553214@qq.com

Could you please share the Segnet_pascal.caffemodel with me, the official website is down. My email address is shubham.shankar@iitg.ac.in.

Me too, Could you please share your model to me,my email address is 1187915640@qq.com

Me too, Could you please share your model to me, thanks, my email address is xfy464840129@gmail.com
