- 2
10x chemistry of samples
#23 opened by mxposed - 4
Healthy samples only have CD45+ cells, will it affect subsequent analysis such as drawing cell ratio maps?
#22 opened by realmanlxw - 3
object 2-Macrophage.rds
#21 opened by acebollada80 - 0
ZNF683+ CD8 T cells
#20 opened by BingjieZhang - 5
Confusion regarding 10x technology used for each sample only having two fastq.gz?
#19 opened by lelesama - 0
Python script for TCR
#18 opened by f6v - 1
SARS-CoV-2 genes in count matrix
#17 opened by MarcElosua - 2
How can I find _bp.txt?
#16 opened by chenxofhit - 1
duplicate barcodes
#15 opened by dm8000 - 5
- 3
ID in all.cell.annotation.meta.txt does not correspond to Barcodes in GEO .h5 files
#6 opened by djinnome - 6
#7 opened by maximilianh - 1
- 1
Why no upper limit on nCount_RNA?
#12 opened by uberholzer - 2
- 4
2-Macrophage.rds and 6-NKT.rds files
#11 opened by ShipraGupta16 - 2
doublet rate in samples
#9 opened by tilofrei - 2
nCoV.rds avaiability
#8 opened by Diozao666 - 3
- 2
- 0
marker file
#4 opened by biooo - 2
Why ScaleData twice?
#3 opened by uberholzer - 1