
A reading list for computational optics liteature presented on SIGGRAPH.


A curated list of computational Optics-related papers presented on SIGGRAPH.

Update in Seq. 23, 2023: We changed the repo title from "Computational Imaging" to "Computational Optics," which covers a broader context. In the author's view, the updated term computational optics includes at least three scopes:

  • Computational Imaging (Cameras).
  • Computational Display (Projector).
  • Computational Lithography (Fabrication).

Author's Intention for this Collection

A good way to master the taste and progress of an area is to read its high-impact papers. As a high-profile venue, SIGGRAPH(ASIA) has been publishing top-tier computational Optics papers for decades. However, as computational imaging is a relatively minor and nascent area in SIGGRAPH, only very few (mostly less than 10) computational imaging papers are published on SIGGRAPH every year. The topic and content of computational imaging-related papers are a bit different from the rest of SIGGRAPH papers. Consequently, keeping track of past computational Optics papers is not easy.

The author gets inspiration from Krita and many others who are creating awesome lists and this collection to help the community. The author thanks Ken-sen for sharing the SIGGRAPH collection, which facilitates the creation of this list. If you have any suggestions for this list, please do not hesitate to email the author or comment on the issues.


  • Get the alpha version of the collection out.
  • Track available papers in the past years.
  • Finish summaries on papers.

Terminology of Computational Imaging

Computational Imaging is ...

a rapidly emerging field that co-designs the sensing hardware and the algorithms to form images from measurements with indirect reconstructions. Computational imaging systems enable designers to overcome some hardware limitations of optics and sensors (resolution, noise, etc.). It also has the advantage of probing multi-dimensional light fields (spectral, depth, polarization, etc.).

There is no universal description for computational imaging right now. According to his taste, the author also collects some work (such as computational displays) which are not absolute imaging work but related to the field.

No universal definition for computational imaging exists right now. According to his taste, the author also collects some works (such as computational displays) which are not absolute imaging work but related to the field. -->


Year Venue Paper(w/ code) Repo (if any) Summary(if any)
2022 SIG NeAT: Neural Adaptive Tomography  
    Sparse Ellipsometry: Portable Acquisition of Polarimetric SVBRDF and Shape with Unstructured Flash Photography code
    Face Deblurring using Dual Camera Fusion on Mobile Phones
    Blending Camera and 77 GHz Radar Sensing for Equitable, Robust Plethysmography
    Seeing Through Obstructions with Diffractive Cloaking
    Dark Stereo: Improving Depth Perception Under Low Luminance
    Comparison of single image HDR reconstruction methods — the caveats of quality assessment code
    High Dynamic Range and Super-Resolution From Raw Image Bursts
    Holographic Glasses for Virtual Reality
    Joint Neural Phase Retrieval and Compression for Energy- and Computation-Efficient Holography on the Edge
    Time-multiplexed Neural Holography: A flexible framework for holographic near-eye displays with fast heavily-quantized spatial light modulators
    Accommodative Holography: Improving Accommodation Response for Perceptually Realistic Holographic Displays
    Hogel-free Holography
2021 SIGA Neural 3D Holography: Learning Accurate Wave Propagation Models for 3D Holographic Virtual and Augmented Reality Displays code
Enabling 3D modelling of wave propation

Enabling 3D modelling of wave propation in display.

    Polarimetric Spatio-Temporal Light Transport Probing
  SIG End-to-End Complex Lens Design with Differentiable Ray Tracing
    Imaging with local speckle intensity correlations: theory and practice code
    Differentiable Compound Optics and Processing Pipeline Optimization for End-to-end Camera Design
    Low-Cost SPAD Sensing for Non-Line-Of-Sight Tracking, Material Classification and Depth Imaging code
2020 SIGA Neural Holography with Camera-in-the-loop Training code
    Design and Fabrication of Freeform Holographic Optical Elements
    Learned Hardware-in-the-loop Phase Retrieval for Holographic Near-Eye Displays
    Rendering Near-Field Speckle Statistics in Scattering Media
  SIG Local Fourier Slice Photography
    Quanta Burst Photography
    One Shot 3D Photography code
    Non-Line-of-Sight Reconstruction using Efficient Transient Rendering
    End-to-end Learned, Optically Coded Super-resolution SPAD Camera
2019 SIGA Learning Efficient Illumination Multiplexing for Joint Capture of Reflectance and Shape
    Handheld Mobile Photography in Very Low Light
    Accelerating ADMM for efficient simulation and optimization code
    Learned Large Field-of-View Imaging With Thin-Plate Optics code
    Synthetic Defocus and Look-Ahead Autofocus for Casual Videography
    Handheld Multi-Frame Super-Resolution code
    A Unified Framework for Compression and Compressed Sensing of Light Fields and Light Field Videos
    Hyperparameter Optimization in Black-box Image Processing using Differentiable Proxies
    Coding Optimization for Fast Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
    Non-line-of-sight Imaging with Partial Occluders and Surface Normals
    Wave-based Non-line-of-sight Imaging using Fast fk-Migration code
    Compact Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging with Diffracted Rotation code
2018 SIGA A System for Acquiring, Processing, and Rendering Panoramic Light Field Stills for Virtual Reality
  SIG What Are Optimal Coding Functions for Time-of-Flight Imaging?
    Single-Photon 3D Imaging with Deep Sensor Fusion
    End-to-end Optimization of Optics and Image Processing for Achromatic Extended Depth of Field and Super-resolution Imaging code
    Megapixel Adaptive Optics: Towards Correcting Large-scale Distortions in Computational Cameras code
2017 SIGA Compact Single-Shot Hyperspectral Imaging Using a Prism
    High-Quality Hyperspectral Reconstruction Using a Spectral Prior code
    DeepToF: Off-the-Shelf Real-Time Correction of Multipath Interference in Time-of-Flight Imaging
    Snapshot Difference Imaging using Correlation Time-of-Flight Sensors code
  SIG CoLux: Multi-Object 3D Micro-Motion Analysis Using Speckle Imaging
    4D Imaging through Spray-On Optics
    Rainbow Particle Imaging Velocimetry for Dense 3D Fluid Velocity Imaging code
    Epipolar Time-of-Flight Imaging
    Deep Bilateral Learning for Real-Time Image Enhancement
2016 SIGA Deep Joint Demosaicking and Denoising code
    Computational Bounce Flash for Indoor Portraits
    Burst photography for high dynamic range and low-light imaging on mobile cameras (HDR+) code
    Learning-Based View Synthesis for Light Field Cameras
    Birefractive Stereo Imaging for Single-Shot Depth Acquisition
    Model-Based Teeth Reconstruction
    Recovering Shape and Spatially-Varying Surface Reflectance under Unknown Illumination
    Simultaneous Acquisition of Microscale Reflectance and Normals
    Motion Parallax in Stereo 3D: Model and Applications
  SIG The Diffractive Achromat: Full-Spectrum Computational Imaging With Diffractive Optics
    Practical Multispectral Lighting Reproduction
    Computational Imaging With Multi-Camera Time-of-Flight Systems
    Occluded Imaging With Time-of-Flight Sensors
    Additive Light-Field Displays: Realization of Augmented Reality With Holographic Optical Elements
    Fairy Lights in Femtoseconds: Aerial and Volumetric Graphics Rendered by a Focused Femtosecond Laser Combined With Computational Holographic Fields
    Image Perforation: Automatically Accelerating Image Pipelines by Intelligently Skipping Samples
    Automatically Scheduling Halide Image Processing Pipelines
    ProxImaL: Efficient Image Optimization using Proximal Algorithms
    Rigel: Flexible Multi-Rate Image Processing Hardware
2015 SIGA Data-Driven Structural Priors for Shape Completion
    Autoscanning for Coupled Scene Reconstruction and Proactive Object Analysis
    Unsynchronized structured light
  SIG Homogeneous Codes for Energy Efficient Illumination and Imaging
    Doppler Time-of-Flight Imaging
    Phasor Imaging: A Generalization of Correlation-Based Time-of-Flight Imaging
    Micron-scale Light Transport Decomposition Using Interferometry
    Linear volumetric focus for light field cameras
    A Light Transport Framework for Lenslet Light Field Cameras
    Improving Light Field Camera Sample Design With Irregularity and Aberration
    Light Field Reconstruction Using Sparsity in the Continuous Fourier Domain
    Layered Light-Field Reconstruction for Defocus Blur