- 6
- 2
Problem with LD Information
#43 opened by Minta821 - 2
Low prediction accuracy and large hsq
#42 opened by YangBen0528 - 2
c++ exception (unknown reason)
#41 opened by gblokland - 4
Error in the LD matrix
#38 opened by JagadishUEF - 1
GWAS without allelle frequency data
#40 opened by diegoortunes - 2
- 2
- 2
seed question
#36 opened by fazilaliev - 1
Small bug when testing for consistent alleles?
#34 opened by dougspeed - 2
question regarding (effective) sample size
#33 opened by NienkeMekkes - 5
- 11
Reading SnpEffects.mcmcsamples.bin
#31 opened by avnostaeva - 4
LD format
#27 opened by LisaHemforth - 6
- 7
More Tthan 30% of SNPs Were Missing After QC
#25 opened by 1667857557 - 1
sbayesrc: "Error in if (all(dt.tune$r < 0)) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"
#26 opened by bwspitzer - 4
Error in computing weights
#28 opened by SoleilChenxu - 7
- 2
Calc weight: Error in if (rel_max > 1.25) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
#29 opened by bciezah1 - 11
impute file
#19 opened by zyx125186 - 5
Statistical interpretation of Annotations
#24 opened by harryyiheyang - 2
Posterior samples for variants?
#21 opened by cafletezbrant - 2
resource is no longer available
#23 opened by harryyiheyang - 1
Parallelism across chromosomes
#22 opened by ebechor - 1
- 1
- 1
hsq in par file matches varg
#18 opened by dayamgene - 2
LD missing
#16 opened by LisaHemforth - 14
Unable to install
#14 opened by Mahantesh-Biradar - 3
Running time is significantly longer
#15 opened by Ararder - 2
LD Blocks on Build 38
#13 opened by alexisregelson - 9
- 9
- 3
problem while installing
#10 opened by meihsinsu - 4
Lack of overtransmission
#9 opened by NiranOkewole - 4
Core dumped, final step
#7 opened by vwarrier - 3
# SBayesRC: main function for SBayesRC
#8 opened by NiranOkewole - 2
problem in installing
#6 opened by irgp2019 - 1
it needs the effect allele frequency ?
#2 opened by akbarzadehms - 2
- 3
An installation error (undefined symbol: sgecon_) can be escaped by adding LAPACK dependency
#3 opened by shinichinamba - 4
Link to LD reference
#1 opened by szhan1000