- 1
- 1
Support TextureArray compression 支持纹理数组压缩
#246 opened by zwcloud - 0
支持合并权重图通道 Support merge weight-map channels
#248 opened by zwcloud - 0
- 0
Query mesh terrain to determine layer weights.
#242 opened by zwcloud - 1
Shadow appears outside the shadow distance with MTE/Unlit/2 Textures (realtime shadow, no baked lightmap)
#244 opened by zwcloud - 0
- 0
每次退出Play模式时会卡住几秒; When exiting playmode, the editor freezes for several seconds
#243 opened by zwcloud - 0
Add shader feature Quadtree Displacement Mapping
#241 opened by zwcloud - 0
- 1
- 0
Support Ctrl+Z/Y as the undo/redo hotkey
#238 opened by zwcloud - 2
- 0
Improve initialization performance.
#239 opened by zwcloud - 0
Add instruction on how to export a mesh-terrain to a 3dsmax and modify, then import into Unity and replace the original one.
#237 opened by zwcloud - 0
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- 1
- 0
MeshCollider wireframe isn't displayed on a mesh-terrain using shader "MTE/Standard/4 Textures/Bumped"
#233 opened by zwcloud - 1
Texture mismatch occured at edges after splitting Unity terrain to multiple mesh-terrains.
#231 opened by zwcloud - 1
- 0
Normal is inverted when shading on android platform.
#232 opened by zwcloud - 1
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- 2
Water stain artifacts showed up on a mesh-terrain when painting layer textures with TextureArrayPainter 画的贴图有水渍状
#226 opened by zwcloud - 0
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In shader MTE/URP/4 Textures, _SPECULAR_SETUP set to 1 hides main directional light's specular lighting.
#220 opened by zwcloud - 1
Support moving MeshTerrainEditor folder around instead of /Assets/MeshTerrainEditor, 支持移动MTE根目录到其他位置(不放在Assets下面)
#221 opened by zwcloud - 1
添加预制体过多,窗口编辑按钮出不来了 Add too many prefabs to the object painter, and the list isn't showing all prefabs.
#225 opened by zwcloud - 1
Weight (Control) textures not saved after restarting Unity for TextureArrayPainter.
#222 opened by zwcloud - 0
Incorrect behavior when undo painting on multiple mesh-terrains in TextureArrayPainter.
#223 opened by zwcloud - 0
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Provide runtime texture array creating solution.
#204 opened by zwcloud - 1
Creator doesn't create 3rd control texture for texture-array blinn-phong shader type.
#219 opened by zwcloud - 2
Error Material doesn't have a texture property '_TextureArray0' when painting on mesh-terrain using the Blinn-Phong shader.
#218 opened by zwcloud - 1
- 0
Support split into pieces when converting a Unity terrain to a texture-array based mesh-terrain.
#216 opened by zwcloud - 1
#214 opened by zwcloud - 0
- 1
Add support of legacy surface (lambert and blinn-phong) shader based on texture array.
#206 opened by zwcloud - 1
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Improve UX of the filter.
#212 opened by zwcloud - 1
Make documentation more obvious
#208 opened by zwcloud - 1
Add error message on UI if no IEditor is loaded becuase of user code compile errors.
#211 opened by zwcloud - 4
Converting a terrain to MTE preserving lightmaps results in lightmap disappearing as soon as it enters playmode
#209 opened by manliogreco - 0
Provide height blending to all shaders
#205 opened by zwcloud - 0
Support painting textures with pen tablets like wacom
#203 opened by zwcloud - 0
Add falloff curve to height tool smooth.
#202 opened by zwcloud